PRESS RELEASE INFO DAY [Inclusion of students with mild educational needs in STEAM Education]
[Inclusion of students with mild educational needs in STEAM Education]
The University of Macedonia organized on the 17th of September a very successful information day in the context of the European project SpicE. More than 120 primary teachers (General and Special Educators), as well as students of Educational Sciences and Special Education, attended the online info day and were informed of the activities, the aims, and the accomplishments of the project. At the beginning of the info day Professor Ioannis Agaliotis, faculty member of the Department of Educational & Social Policy, presented the theoretical background and the identity of the project, laying emphasis on contemporary approaches and major challenges of: STEAM Education, Instruction for Students with Mild Disabilities, and Inclusion of these students in STEAM activities of the general classroom. Afterwards, Professor Lefkothea Kartasidou, faculty member of the same Department, presented SpicE’s teacher training program, and explained in detail the various phases and the means of training, which include MOOC, Blended Learning, and teacher mobility. At the end of the info day, a rich discussion took place during which participant questions were answered, regarding their inclusion in the project’s training activities.