Laws and ministerial decisions directly or indirectly related to the studentship of people with disabilities are cited below.
- Law4485/4 August 2017 (Government Gazette A-114)
Organization and operation of higher education, research regulations and other provisions - Law 4283/10 September 2014 (No A/189), Article 7
Facilitating access for people with disabilities to higher education institutions
The provision of par.2, article 35 of Law3794/2009 (A΄ 156) shall be repealed. The repealed provision par.2, article 35 of Law3794/2009 (A΄ 156):“2. Individuals whose specified conditions render their studentship and attendance at certain departments difficult owing to the nature of the particular scientific domain will not be admitted to those departments on the grounds of substantiated decision by the respective Department sanctioned by the Senate and announced prior to the commencement of the academic year. Specifically for the academic year 2009-2010, the relevant decisions must be resumed by 30th September 2009. " - Law 4074/11 April 2012 (Government Gazette 88A ')
Ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2008)
Article 24, Education, Section 24.5:"Contracting States shall ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access general higher education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning, without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. For this reason, Contracting Parties shall ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities." - Law 4009/6 September 2011 (Government Gazette 196A ')
Provisions for Students with Disabilities - Law 3549/20 May 2007 (Government Gazette 69A '), Article 12, par. 1
Establishment and operation of a support service for students with disabilities
Admission to Higher Education for People Suffering from Severe Diseases
- Law 3794/4 September 2009 (Government Gazette 156 A '), article 35
- Law 4186/17 September 2013 (Government Gazette 193A), article 39, paragraph 24
- Law 4218/10 December 2013 (Government Gazette 268 A '), article 6, paragraph 2
- Law 4283/10 September 2014 (Government Gazette 189 A’), article 7
Ministerial Decisions
- Ministerial Decision with Number F.40.4 / 1/989, April 12, 2012 (Government Gazette 1301 B '), Article 3 (vi) -Appendix I, Paragraph 7
Ratification of the e-Government Framework: Website accessibility requirements for people with disabilities - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, letter from Secretary General with protocol number Φ.1 / 79143 / B3, 3 July 2009, Chapter A, paragraph 6
Circular on the Transfer of Students with Disabilities 2009-2010 - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, letter from Secretary General with protocol number Φ.1 / 114344 / B3, September 18, 2009
Supplementary amendment to paragraph 6 of no. Φ1 / 79143 / Β3 / 03.07.2009 Circular on the Transfer of Students with Disabilities 2009-2010 - Ministerial Decision with Number ΥΠΠΟ/ΔΙΟΙΚ/98546, October 24, 2007 (Government Gazette 2065 B)
Reproduction of an intellectual property project for the benefit of the disabled - Ministerial Decision with Number Φ.151 / 20049 / B6, March 1, 2007 (Government Gazette 272), Article 1, par. 8 and Article 2, par. 5
Admission to Higher Education Institutions of People with Disabilities without examinations, 2007 - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, letter of Undersecretary of State with protocol number Φ.5 / 1449 / B3, January 4, 2006
Facilities for students with special needs - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, Minister's letter with protocol number 10366 /Γ6, January 30, 2004
Adoption of the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, letter of Undersecretary of State with protocol number Φ.142 / B3 / 7104, December 19, 1990
Facilities for students with dyslexia
- Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Press Release, November 1, 2017
Admission to Higher Education of individuals afflicted by and suffering from severe ailments in the Academic Year 2018-19