Administrative Bodies of the University

Based on the institutional framework applicable to the Administrative Bodies of the Greek Higher Educational Institutions (Law Nr. 4957/2022, Chapter B, Articles 7-19), the Administrative Bodies of the University of Macedonia are:

a) the Board of Directors

b) the Senate

c) the Rector

d) the Vice Rectors


Government Gazette 4444/11.7.2023 (Transfer of responsibilities of the Rector, Article 15 of the Law Nr. 4957/2022 (A' 141) to the Vice Rectors - Distribution of other responsibilities - Replacement of the Rector of the University of Macedonia by the Vice Rectors).

Government Gazette 4488/12.7.2023 (Transfer of responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the University of Macedonia, Article 14 of the Law Nr. 4957/2022 (A' 141).

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