- +30 2310 891.157
- apanopoulos uom.edu.gr
- Office: ΚΖ, 215
Panopoulos Anastasios
Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Titles
- Graduate Studies (1997-2001): National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Deptartment of Informatics and Telecommunications
- Postgraduate Studies (2001-2003): Athens University of Economics and Business, ΜΒΑ of the Departments of Business Administration and Marketing & Communication
- Doctoral Studies (2002-2007): Athens University of Economics and Business Department of Business Administration, Title «Electronic Public Relations»
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
The course examines the function of Integrated Communication in the Social and Cultural field. Specifically, in the introduction to the course, communication models are studied and reported (model Lasswell, 1948; Shannon & Weaver, 1949; Newcomb, 1953; Osgold 1954; Gerbner 1956; Jacobson, 1960) and then their connection with the cultural and social environment (Avidar 2009; Huang et al., 2016; Tombleson& Wolf, 2017; Zhang et al., 2009). According to Fiske (1982) "communication is social interaction through messages". At the same time, the options available in relation to the communication channels and the message that can be presented each time are offered. In addition, reference is made to the components of the communication mix (advertising, public relations, word-of-mouth communication, etc.) and their application to for-profit and non-profit (with an emphasis on cultural) organizations (Al-Kandari& Gaither, 2011; Blanckson et al., 2012; Kyrousi et al., 2017). Finally, feedback possibilities, recall techniques and ways to measure effectiveness and efficiency of messages are analyzed.In the context of the course, there will be the possibility of making presentations by communication managers of both for-profit companies and non-profit organizations (with an emphasis on cultural ones).
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Στόχος του μαθήματος είναι η εισαγωγή στην ολοκληρωμένη επικοινωνία Μάρκετινγκ και σε ένα από τα σημαντικότερα εργαλεία του μίγματος επικοινωνίας που είναι η διαφήμιση. Στα πλαίσια των διαλέξεων οι φοιτήτριες/ητές έρχονται σε επαφή με βασικά υποδείγματα επικοινωνίας, με τον τρόπο κατάρτισης του διαφημιστικού προγράμματος και προϋπολογισμού, με τη συνολική λειτουργία του μίγματος επικοινωνίας και τον τρόπο χρήσης των υπολοίπων στοιχείων του συμπληρωματικά με τη διαφήμιση, κ.ά.
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
- Books (4 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Βιβλία ή/και μονογραφίες σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους. Κεφάλαια ή άρθρα συλλογικών τόμων ή επιμέλεια τόμων σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους.
- Γ.Πανηγυράκης, Α. Πανόπουλος, Α. Κυρούση, Κ. Σαρρή, (2012) «Στοχεύοντας στη δημιουργία μελλοντικών επιχειρηματιών. Η περίπτωση του προγράμματος Γ.Ε.Ν.Ε.Σ.ΙΣ.», Κεφάλαιο στο βιβλίο Γυναικεία επιχειρηματικότητα των κ.κ. Σαρρή & Τριχοπούλου, εκδόσεις Rosili, σελ. 336-351. ISBN: 978-960-89407-7-2.
- Α. Πανόπουλος, (2012), «Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο», Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο (με ακαδημαϊκό κριτικό αναγνώστη).
- Theodoridis, P. and Panopoulos A., (2012). «Shopping Centre Image Attributes Effects on Consumers Satisfaction and Loyalty in Greece Evidence at the initial stages of the economic crises», European Retail Research, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 21-41.
- Γ. Πανηγυράκης, Α. Πανόπουλος, (2008) «Ο σύγχρονος ρόλος των δημοσίων σχέσεων και η γυναίκα στέλεχος: αβεβαιότητα και σύγκρουση ρόλων», Κεφάλαιο στο βιβλίο Επικοινωνία στον 21ο αιώνα της Εταιρίας Δημοσίων Σχέσεων Βορείου Ελλάδος (Ε.ΔΗ.Σ.Β.Ε.), σελ. 47-63. ISBN: 978-960-98600-0-0.
- Scientific Journals (17 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε διεθνή ή ελληνικά επιστημονικά περιοδικά (με κριτές).
- Kyrousi A., Koronaki E., Zotou A., Panopoulos A., "One value does not ‘fit’all: value-laden luxury advertising through the lens of consumer individuality."
- A Panopoulos, A Poulis, P Theodoridis, A Kalampakas "Influencing Green Purchase Intention through Eco Labels and User-Generated Content."
- Koronaki I., Vlachvei A., Panopoulos A., "Managing the online customer experience and subsequent consumer responses across the customer journey: A review and future research agenda."
- Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., Koronaki E., (2020) «All we have is words: applying rhetoric to examine how social media marketing activities strengthen the connection between the brand and the self», International Journal of Advertising, vol.39, no. 5, pp. 699-718.
- Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., Koronaki E., (2020) «Looking for luxury CSR practices that make more sense: The role of Corporate Identity and consumer attitude», Journal of Marketing Communications, vol. 26, no 6, pp. 666-684.
- Panopoulos A., Theodoridis P., Poulis A., (2018) «Revisiting innovation adoption theory through electronic public relations», Information Technology & People, vol. 31, issue 1, pp. 21-40.
- Sarri A., Laspita S., Panopoulos A., (2018) «Drivers and Barriers of Entrepreneurial Intentions in Times of Economic Crisis: the gender dimension», South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics.
- Papasolomou I., Kitchen P., Panopoulos A.,Sabova M., (2016) «Economic Crisis and its Impact on Promotion and Media in Cyprus», Journal of Promotion Management, vol.22, no. 5, pp.719-734.
- Kyrousi A., Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., (2016) «Attitudes toward ads portraying women in decorative roles and female competition: an evolutionary psychology perspective», International Journal of Advertising vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 771-798.
- Panopoulos A. & Sarri A., (2013) «E-mentoring: The adoption process and innovation challenge» International Journal of Information Management, vol. 33, no.1, pp. 217-226 (IF: 1.532, ABS Quality list).
- Poulis A., Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., (2013) «Antecedents and consequents of brand managers role», Journal of Marketing Intelligence and Planning,vol.31, no.5, pp. 654-671 (ABS Quality list).
- Papasolomou I., Kitchen P., Panopoulos A., (2013) «The accelerative and integrative use of marketing public relations in Cyprus», Public Relations Review, vol. 39, no.5, pp. 578-580 (IF: 0.726)
- Kapareliotis I., Panopoulos A. (2010) «The determinants of brand equity. The case of Greek quoted firms.» Managerial Finance, vol. 36, no.3, pp. 225-233 ( ABS Quality list).
- Kitchen P.J., Panopoulos A. (2010) «Online Public Relations: The adoption process and innovation challenge, a Greek example.» Public Relations Review vol. 36, no.3, pp. 222-229 (IF: 0.726).
- Kapareliotis I., Panopoulos A., Panigyrakis G. (2009) «Building tourist infrastructure through mega sport events: The case of Beijing» Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol.22, no.1, pp. 90-100
- Glentis A., Panopoulos A., Kapareliotis I. (2009) «Managing Security Issues» Review of Business Information Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 49-56.
- Panopoulos A. & Ventoura Neokosmidi Z. (2005) «The Use of Internet By Educational Institutions: The Case Of Greece» Journal of College Teaching and Learning, vol. 2 n.10, pp.87-96.
- Conferences (34 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε δημοσιευμένα πρακτικά διεθνών ή ελληνικών συνεδρίων (με κριτές).
- Koronaki I., Jaimes, H.M., Vlachvei, A., Panopoulos A., "Art Infusion to Ιncrease Perceptions of Luxury: Ηow Global Brands Leverage on Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture."
- Melidoro D., Poulis A., Panopoulos A., Andronikidis A., (2021), «Is streaming killing or saving the cinema? An exploratory study» Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, 14-16 April.
- Tziatziou, Α., & Panopoulos A., (2021), «Neuromarketing: Theory and Research. Comparison of two Ads using FACS (AUs)», 19th ICORIA Conference, Bordeaux, France.
- Koronaki, E., Vlachvei, A., & Panopoulos, A., (2021), «Cultural production as a means of acculturation to global consumer culture for luxury brands-a content analysis», Advances in Quantitative Economic Research – 2021 Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE 2021), Heraklion, Greece, August 26-28.
- Koronaki, E., Vlachvei, A., & Panopoulos, A., (2021), «Art as a means of a global consumer culture acculturation: a literature review and research agenda», 2021 AUS-Chalhoub Symposium, Virtual Conference, 15-16 November.
- Panopoulos, A., Koronaki, E., Kyrousi A. and Zotou, A., (2020), «Redefining luxury advertising: motivation in advertised value, attitudes and susceptibility», Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, 5-8 November.
- Batsila S., Panopoulos A., Poulis A., (2019), «The use of micro influencers on social media» Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Tel Aviv Israel, 29-30 April.
- Koronaki E., Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., (2018). «The rhetoric of the connection: a conceptual framework», Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Exeter UK, 12-13 April.
- Batsila S., Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., (2018). «Self-expression through Voting?The critical role of Leader Brand Personality», Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo Japan, 26-29 July.
- Antoniadou K., Panopoulos A., (2017). «Corporate ethical values: perception and communication in the telecommunication sector. What could managers do differently?», Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Zaragoza Spain, 4-5 May.
- Panigyrakis G., Koronaki E., Panopoulos A., (2016). «Reaching Ethical Conspicuousness: what do others think?», Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, 21-24 July.
- Panopoulos A., (2016). «A preliminary study on E-pr adoption, E-pr effectiveness and the implementation of E-pr communication model», SEEDA-CECNSM, Greece, 25-27 September.
- Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., Koronaki E., Konstantinidis P., (2015). «Social Media for the creation of strong brand relationships. The critical role of the self», 20th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Turkey, 16-17 April.
- Panopoulos A., Belch M., (2014) «Deception on the Internet: Consumer knowledge and perception of potentially misleading practices»,19th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Italy, 3-4 April.
- Wisker, Z., Poulis A., Panopoulos A., (2014). «Do personality traits matter in service industries?», AMA SERVSIG, Greece, 13-15 June.
- Wisker Z., Poulis A., Panigyrakis G., Panopoulos A., (2014). «The impact of social networks characteristics on employee based brand equity» Global Marketing Conference, Singapore, 15-18 July.
- Panopoulos, A., (2013). «Exploring Electronic Public Relations' Adoption in Greece», 18th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Italy, 11-12 April.
- Panopoulos, A., Theodoridis, P. and Poulis A., (2013). «Investigation of E-Public Relations Adoption Construct», 42th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Turkey, 4-7 June.
- Koronaki, E., Panygirakis, G. and Panopoulos A., (2012). «Satisfaction of luxury brand values through particular marketing strategies: the case of Louis Vuitton», 17th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), France, 19-20 April.
- Poulis, A., Panygirakis, G. and Panopoulos A., (2012). «Building Brand Equity in Times of Uncertainty. The Paradigm of Spain and Italy», Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Korea, 19-22 July.
- Panopoulos, A. and Theodoridis P., (2011). «A conceptual framework for the adoption of the internet by Public Relations managers», 16th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Greece, 27-29 April.
- Panigyrakis, G., Panopoulos, A. and Poulis A., (2011). «Brand managers propensity to leave. What makes them want to stay? A comparison study», 40th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Slovenia, 24-27 May.
- Theodoridis, P. and Panopoulos A., (2011). «Shopping centre Image Attributes Effects on Consumers Satisfaction and Loyalty during the Crisis in Greece», The 16th Conference of the European Association of Education and Research in Commercial Distribution, Italy, 29 June-1July.
- Panopoulos, A., (2010). «Electronic Public Relations», in Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, pp. 77-82.
- Theodoridis, P., Panigyrakis, G. and Panopoulos A., (2010). «Shopping Centre image attributes effects on consumers satisfaction and loyalty in Greece», 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), Turkey, 2-5 July.
- Panopoulos, A., Kapareliotis, I. and Theodoridis P., (2010). «Drivers of Electronic Public Relations Effectiveness», 15th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Denmark, 21-23 April.
- Panopoulos, A., Kapareliotis, I. and Theodoridis P., (2010). «Football Club Websites : Factors enhancing digital relations», 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Spain, 24-26 June.
- Panopoulos, A., (2009). «Facing Electronic Public Relations as an Innovative Challenge», 14th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Cyprus, April 23-24.
- Panopoulos, A., Panigyrakis, G., Kyrousi, A. and Zotou A., (2009). «Factors Affecting the Adoption of the Two-Way Symmetric Public Relations Model in a Digital Environment», 8th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Austria, 25-27 June.
- Panopoulos, A., Kapareliotis, I. and Theodoridis P., (2009). «Effective Electronic Public Relations: The Case of Greek Universities Websites», 8th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Austria, 25-27 June.
- Kapareliotis, I., Panopoulos, A., Theodoridis, P. and Panigyrakis G., (2009). «The Brands Superiority Scale: Measuring Consumers Use of Brands to Differentiate Among Their Choices», 8th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Austria, 25-27 June.
- Kapareliotis, I., Panopoulos, A. and Panigyrakis G., (2008). «Communicating Corporate Objectives with the use of the Brand», 13th International Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference (CMC), Slovenia, April 24-26.
- Kapareliotis, I., Panopoulos, A. and Mathieu J.P., (2008). «Developing a scale for brand tradition», 7th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Belgium, 27-28 June.
- Panopoulos, A. and Ventoura Neokosmidi Z., (2005). «The Use of Internet By Educational Institutions: The Case Of Greece», EABR Conference and TLC Conference, Greece, June (Best Paper Award)
- Other (2 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Παρουσιάσεις σε διεθνή ή ελληνικά συνέδρια χωρίς δημοσίευση σε πρακτικά.
- G. Panigyrakis & Z. Ventoura & A. Panopoulos, (2005), «The Role of Public Relations Managers in Product and Service Firms in Six European Countries», IPRA 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Γ. Πανηγυράκης & Α. Πανόπουλος (2004) «Το διαδίκτυο οι Ποδοσφαιρικές ΠΑΕ και οι δημιουργίες σχέσεων», Συμπόσιο με θέμα Χορηγία και Προβολή των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων του 2004, ΤΕΙ ΔΥΤ. ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ, Τμήμα Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και Επικοινωνίας.