Michalopoulos Georgios
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting and Finance
Academic Area
International Monetary Relations and the European Monetary System
Academic Titles
- Degree (“Ptychion”) in Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (1985).
- M.Phil. in Monetary Economics, University of Glasgow U.K., (1988).
- Ph.D. in International Monetary Relations, University of Reading U.K., (1992).
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
This course will familiarize students with the aggregate economic measurements and develop an understanding of the problems of rising prices, high unemployment, fluctuating output, and government deficits. It will also examine the government policies targeting these problems. More specifically, the course examines the macroeconomic measurements and their calculation, production and economic growth, savings, investment, inflation, unemployment, open economy macroeconomics, aggregate demand and supply, monetary and fiscal policy.- MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Economics is the field of economic theory which describes, analyzes and interpretes the economic behaviour of the isolated economic units, i.e. of consumers, firms, and markets. It develops the concepts and the tools, (e.g. elasticities, indifference curves, etc.), which are necessary for such a task. The theory of demand is associated with the theory of utility, thus introducing student to marginal analysis. The theory of the consumer is also associated with certain topics such as consumer surplus, compensated demand curves, etc. Next, microeconomics examines the theory of production and the course emphasizes the connection of this theory with the various production functions and with the theory of cost. This along with the development of the concept of revenue enable the derivation of the supply curve on the basis of the assumption of profit-maximizing firms. Having examined demand and supply, then the course proceeds to the theory of market structure and specifically, to the short and long run equilibrium of the firm and the industry under conditions of perfect competition and monopoly.- MONETARY ECONOMIC POLICY
Department Abbreviation
Course Outlines
Το μάθημα αυτό προσφέρει στους φοιτητές μια εμπεριστατωμένη ανάλυση της λειτουργίας του νομισματικού τομέα της οικονομίας και της άσκησης της νομισματικής πολιτικής.Μεταξύ των θεμάτων που αναλύονται περιλαμβάνονται:το νομισματικό σύστημα και η λειτουργία του,στόχοι και μέσα νομισματικής πολιτικής, άσκηση νομισματικής πολιτικής στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση,οικονομικές επιπτώσεις της νομισματικής πολιτικής, σχολές οικονομικής σκέψης και νομισματική πολιτική, νομισματική πολιτική και χρηματοοικονομικές αγορές.
- Books (14 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Βιβλία ή/και μονογραφίες σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους. Κεφάλαια ή άρθρα συλλογικών τόμων ή επιμέλεια τόμων σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους.
- Μιχαλόπουλος Γεώργιος, (2023) συν-επιμέλεια, Ελληνική έκδοση, Acemoglu, D., Laibson D., List J. ‘Μικροοικονομική’, 2η έκδοση, Κριτική.
- Μιχαλόπουλος, Γεώργιος (2019), συν-επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης του Krugman, P., Wells, R. (2018) ‘Οικονομική: Μακροοικονομικη-Μικροοικονομική’, Broken Hill Publishers, Cyprus.
- Μιχαλόπουλος, Γεώργιος (2017), συν-επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης του Pilbeam Keith, ‘Διεθνής Χρηματοοικονομική’, εκδ. Utopia
- Nicolaidis, C. and Michalopoulos, G. (2010) ‘Empowerment in the Greek Banking Sector: Private vs State controlled Banks’ in Volume of Εssays in honour of Prof. Ι. Vartholomeos, University of Pireaus, pp 689-700.
- Michalopoulos, G. and Papanastasiou, J. (2009), Explaining inflation differentials in the Euro Area: the case of Spain, Greece, and Portugal’ in Brox, J.A. and Baltas, N.C., eds ‘The Global Economics of a Changing Environment’, North Waterloo Academic Press, Canada, pp. 41-52.
- Michalopoulos, G. and Nicolaidis, C. (2007) ‘Explaining Inflation Differentials within EMU: the case of Greece and Portugal’, στον Τιμητικό Τόμο του καθηγητή Α. Ιγνατιάδη, Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, σελ. 717- 740.
- Michalopoulos, G. (2006), ‘The internationalization of the Euro: trends, challenges and risks’ in Alexander Volbert, and Kotz, Hans-Helmut eds. ‘Global Divergence, in Trade, Money and Policy’ , Endward Elgar, UK, pp. 195-214.
- Μιχαλόπουλος, Γ. (2005), ‘Η διεθνοποίηση του Ευρώ: προκλήσεις και προοπτικές’ στο Κόντης, A. και Τσαρδανίδης, Χ. (επιμέλεια), ‘Διεθνής Πολιτική Οικονομία: Θεωρία, Δομή και Προκλήσεις της Παγκόσμιας Οικονομίας’, Ινστιτούτο Διεθνών Οικονομικών Σχέσεων, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, 2005, Αθήνα, σ. 451-474
- Νικολαϊδης, Χ. και Μιχαλόπουλος, Γ., «Ο Τραπεζικός Τομέας στην Ελλάδα: Μάχη για Ανταγωνιστικότητα και Ανάπτυξη», Τιμητικός τόμος Ομότιμου Καθηγητή Θεοδώρου Σκούντζου, Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς, 2004.
- Michalopoulos, G. & Tsaliki, P., “The illusion of globalization”, in Georgakopoulos, T, Paraskeuopoulos, C and Smithin, J. eds, Globalisation and Economic Growth: A critical evaluation, APF press, 2002.
- Dyson, K., K. Featherstone and G. Michalopoulos, “Strapped to the mast: EU central bankers between global financial markets and regional integration”, in Regionalism and Global Economic Integration (W.D. Coleman, and G. Underhill Eds,), New York, Routledge, 1998.
- Michalopoulos, G., “Greece and EMU: Inflation Convergence and Monetary Policy”, in K. Featherstone and K. Ifantis, eds, Greece in a Changing Europe, pp.72-92, Manchester University Press, 1996.
- Dyson, K., K. Featherstone and G. Michalopoulos, “Strapped to the mast: EC central bankers, the Maastricht Treaty and global financial markets”, in The evolution of rules for a single market (D. Mayes ed), Part 1 COST A7, European Commission Publications, DG XII Science Research and Development, pp.296- 330, 1995.
- Michalopoulos, G., Macroeconomic consequences of the US dollar exchange rate movements for the EC economy: an empirical analyis, Ph.D Thesis, University of Reading, UK, 1991.
- Scientific Journals (7 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε διεθνή ή ελληνικά επιστημονικά περιοδικά (με κριτές).
- Michalopoulos George, Tsermenidis Konstantinos (2019) “Retail bank interest rate pass through in the euro area: Τhe impact of the financial crisis”, International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives (IJBEP), vol.14(1)
- Michalopoulos George, Tsermenidis Konstantinos (2018) Country Risk on the Bank Borrowing Cost Dispersion Within the Euro Area during the Financial and Debt Crises, International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, vol VI, (4), p. 76-92.
- Lazaridis, I., Michalopoulos, G., and Livanis, E. (2013) “Analysis of Monetary Policy and Inflation in Greece and Portugal in the Pre-Euro Era Based on a Testing the Kumara Swamy Theorem” in Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, Vol. 26 (1), 2013.
- Nicolaidis, C. and Michalopoulos, G. (2004), “Empowerment in the Greek Banking Sector: an exploratory study” in Global Business and Economics Review, 2004 Anthology, pp. 394-406.
- Nicolaidis, C.S & Michalopoulos, G., “Education, Industry and the Knowing–Doing Gap: A Knowledge Management Perspective”, Industry & Higher Education, vol.18, no.2, pp.101-110, 2004.
- Dyson, K., K. Featherstone and G. Michalopoulos, “Strapped to the mast: EC central bankers between global financial markets and regional integration”, Journal of European Public Policy, vol.2, pp.465-87, 1995.
- Nicolaidis, C.S & Michalopoulos, G., “Empowerment in the Greek Banking Sector: an Exploratory Study”, Global Business & Economic Review–Anthology (forthcoming 2004).
- Conferences (14 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε δημοσιευμένα πρακτικά διεθνών ή ελληνικών συνεδρίων (με κριτές).
- Michalopoulos, George and Nikolaos Vogiatzis (2017) ‘The impact of monetary sector reforms on SMEs capital structure: The Greek experience’, “International Conference on Applied Business and Economics”, September 28-30 2017, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Michalopoulos, G. Vogiatzis, N. (2013) “Trade credit versus bank credit in a changing financial environment: the case of Greek SMEs financing” in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference: New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, Chania, August 29-30, 2013, pp 362-72.
- Michalopoulos, G. Vogiatzis, N. (2012) “An empirical investigation of the supply of and the demand for trade credit in the Greek SMEs sector”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accounting and Finance Corfu Island, Greece, August 30-31, 2012 organized by the Department of Accounting & Finance, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Μιχαλόπουλος, Γ., Βογιατζής, Ν. (2011) ‘Η συμμετοχή της Ελλάδας στην Ευρωζώνη και οι επιπτώσεις της στην τραπεζική χρηματοδότηση των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων’, Proceedings or the 11th International Conference of the Economic Society of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, pp 353-367.
- Michalopoulos, G. and Vogiatzis, N. (2011) ‘The demand for trade credit in a changing financial environment: the case of the Greek SMEs’, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference: on New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, Chios, Greece, 25-26 August, 2011 pp 353-58.
- Michalopoulos, G. and Vogiatzis, N. (2010) ‘The impact of the process of monetary unification in the EU to the financing function of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: the case of Greece’, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Dept of Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Skiathos, Greece, 26th – 27th August 2010 pp 1673-93.
- Michalopoulos, G., Nicolaidis, C., "The Greek Banking Sector at a crossroad: a Struggle for Competitiveness”, in Proceedings of the Economic Society of Thessaloniki 8th International Conference, 3-5 October 2002, pp 181-198, 2004.
- Michalopoulos, G., “The Internationalisation of the Euro: Trends, Challenges and Risks”, APF 7th Biennial Conference, ‘Asymmetries in Trade and Currency Arrangements in the 21st Century’, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, July 28-31, 2004.
- Μιχαλόπουλος, Γ., “Ο διεθνής ρόλος του Ευρώ: τάσεις και προοπτικές”, Α' Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Διεθνούς Πολιτικής Οικονομίας, Ινστιτούτο Διεθνών Οικονομικών Σχέσεων, Σεπτέμβριος 19-20, Αθήνα, 2003.
- Nicolaidis, C.S & Michalopoulos, G., “Education, Industry and the Knowing–Doing Gap: A Knowledge Management Perspective”, 3rd International Conference ‘New Horizons in Industry & Education’, Santorini , 28-29 August, 2003.
- Nicolaidis, C.S., & Michalopoulos G., “The Greek banking firms: Strategic positioning and profitability”, 1st International Conference ‘Business Economics, Management and Marketing’, Athens, 26-29 June, 2003.
- Τσουλφίδης, Λ. Τσαλίκη, Π. και Μιχαλόπουλος, Γ., “Εμπειρική διερεύνηση της ζήτησης χρήματος στην Ελληνική Οικονομία”, Πρακτικά του έβδομου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Εταιρίας Οικονομολόγων Θεσσαλονίκης, Καβάλα, Οκτώβριος 2000, σελ. 98-106, 2002.
- Michalopoulos G. and P. Tsaliki, “The Illusion of Globalization”, in Proc. International conference of the Economic University of Athens and University of York (Canada) on ‘The Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century’, Athens, 2000.
- Michalopoulos G., “US-EC interest rate linkages: an empirical evaluation”, Πρακτικά του Τρίτου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Εταιρίας Οικονομολόγων Θεσσαλονίκης, Θες/νικη, Νοέμβριος 1992.
- Other (26 records)
Περιλαμβάνει Παρουσιάσεις σε διεθνή ή ελληνικά συνέδρια χωρίς δημοσίευση σε πρακτικά.
- Hatzigeorgiou Alexandros, George Michalopoulos (2023) «The relationship between systematic risk and operating and financial leverage in periods of financial market turbulence: evidence from the Greek financial crisis», 21st Annual EEFS Conference, Berlin, June 15–18, 2023
- Hatzigeorgiou Alexandros, Georgios Michalopoulos (2022) «Factors affecting firms’ systematic risk in periods of financial turbulence: Evidence from the Greek financial crisis», 40th EBES Conference - Istanbul, July 6 - 8, 2022.
- Hatzigeorgiou, Alexandros, George Michalopoulos (2019), ‘Determinants of systematic risk in the Athens Stock Exchange: the impact of the Greek financial crisis’, International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE), Thessaloniki, October 21-23, 2019.
- Michalopoulos George, Tsermenidis Konstantinos “The determination of the euro area banking market interest rates in a period of financial turbulence: the centre-periphery asymmetry”, 14th Biennial Athenian Policy Forum Conference on ‘“Contemporary Economic, Financial, Business And Policy Issues”, Athens, Greece, 06-09/07/2018
- Michalopoulos George, Tsermenidis Konstantinos, "Explaining the divergence of the banking market interest rates within the euro area" 13th Biennial Athenian Policy Forum Conference On “Economic, Financial and Institutional Asymmetries: Post Financial and Debt Crises”, Athens, Greece, 07-09/07/2016
- Tsermenidis Konstantinos, Michalopoulos George “The impact of country risk on the bank borrowing cost dispersion within the euro area in the period of financial crisis” ,14th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (H.F.A.A.), Athens, Greece, 18-19/12/2015
- Michalopoulos George, Tsermenidis Konstantinos “Retail bank interest rate pass through in the euro area: Τhe impact of the financial crisis” 5th International Conference on Accounting and Finance Accounting and Finance, Syros Island, Greece, 04-05/09/2014
- 1. Michalopoulos, G., K. Tsermenidis and J. Papanastasiou (2014) “The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Cost of Borrowing within the Euro Area: Convergence or Divergence?”, paper presented at the ‘12th Biennial Athenian Policy Forum Conference on Economic and Financial Asymmetries, National Debts and Government Policies’ in Toronto, Canada, June 13-14, 2014.
- Michalopoulos, G. Vogiatzis, N. (2013) “Bank financing of SMEs in a changing financial environment: the experience of Greece’s participation to the Euro zone”, paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-14 December, 2013.
- Michalopoulos, G. and Papanastasiou, J. (2012) “The impact of the financial crisis on the Euro area banking market integration: evidence from the interest rate convergence process”, paper presented at the Athenian Policy Forum 11th biennial conference on the “Asymmetric Economic Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis, Chalkidiki, Greece, July 1-3, 2012.
- Michalopoulos G. and J. Papanastasiou, ‘Bank retail interest rate convergence within the euro area’, Deutsche Bundesbank and APF International Conference on ‘Regulatory responses to the financial crisis’, Frankfurt, Germany, July 29-31, 2010.
- Michalopoulos, G. and Papanastasiou, J. (2008), Explaining inflation differentials in the Euro Area: the case of Spain, Greece, and Portugal’, Athens Policy Forum 9th Biennial International Conference “The Global Economics of a Changing Environment”, July 9-11, 2008 Athens, Greece
- Papanastasiou, J., G. Michalopoulos, K. Velentzas, and A. Ziogas, ‘Consumer Preferences for Beverages and Tobacco: A Cross-Country Examination’, 2nd International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Dept of Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, 28th – 30th August 2008.
- Papanastasiou, J. and Michalopoulos G. “Policy credibility and the monetary sector: the Greek experience”, 5th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (H.F.A.A.), 15-16 December 2006. Thessaloniki.
- Michalopoulos, G., & Nicolaidis, C.S., “An evaluation of the inflationary sources in the EU periphery: the case of Greece and Portugal”, UACES 33rd Annual Conference, ‘The EU: The First Ten Years, The Next Ten Years?’, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2-4 September 2003.
- Michalopoulos, G. L. Tsoulfidis, and P. Tsaliki, “An empirical analysis of the demand for money in Greece”, presented in the fifth International Conference on macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, University of Crete, Rethymno, May 24-26, 2001.
- Tsaliki P. and G. Michalopoulos, “The Determinants of the Performance of the Manufacturing Exports in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Turkey: a comparative study”, paper presented at ERC/METU International conference in Economics, September 13-16, Ankara, Turkey, 2000.
- Michalopoulos G. and P. Tsaliki, “The Determinants of the Performance of the Greek Manufacturing Exporting Sector: Can Trade Theory Explain Recent Developments?”, paper presented at the Athens Institute for Education and Research International Conference on 'Business Economics, Marketing Management: Past, Present and Future”, Athens, 2000.
- Michalopoulos G., “The Greek exchange rate policy: a useful policy tool or a disaster?”, Presented in the Sixth International conference of Economic Society of Thessaloniki, University of Thrace, Komotini, October 9-11, 1998.
- Νικολαΐδης, X. Γ. Μιχαλόπουλος, “Η ανταγωνιστικότητα της Ελληνικής Επιχείρησης”, 5ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Εταιρίας Οικονομολόγων Θεσσαλονίκης, 'Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιχείρηση στην Διεθνοποιημένη Οικονομία,’ Θεσσαλονίκη 4-6 Απριλίου, 1996.
- Dyson, K., Featherstone, K. & Michalopoulos, G. (1995) ‘Rescue or Transformation? The European State and the Politics of EMU’, 23rd Workshop of European Consortium for Political Research, University of Bordeaux, France, 27 April – 2 May.
- Michalopoulos, G., invited speaker, Poznan Academy of Economics Conference on, “Problems of European Monetary Unification”, Poznan, Poland May 15-16, 1995.
- Dyson, K., Featherstone, K. & Michalopoulos, G. (1994) ‘EC Central Bankers, the Maastricht Treaty and Global Financial Markets’, Economic and Social Research Council conference on ‘The evolution of the Rules for a Single European Market’,, 8-11 September, 1994, University of Exeter, Exeter.
- Dyson, Kenneth, Kevin Featherstone and George Michalopoulos. "Strapped to the Mast: EC Central Bankers between Global Financial Markets and the Maastricht Treaty." , European Consortium for Political Research Workshop: The Single Market and Global Economic Integration, Madrid, 17-22 April 1994.
- Dyson, K., Featherstone, K. & Michalopoulos, G., “Τhe Politics of EMU: The Maastricht Treaty and the relevance of bargaining models”, presented in the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York, September 1-4, 1994.
- Μιχαλόπουλος, Γ. (1992) ‘US-EC interest rate linkages: an empirical evaluation’, 3o Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Εταιρίας Οικονομολόγων Θεσσαλονίκης, Θεσσαλονίκη, Νοέμβριος 1992.