Graduate Placement Examinations


1. Who is eligible to apply?

2. How many students are admitted per year?

3. Necessary supporting documents

4. What is the submission office?

5. Mode of placement

6. Which semester are successful candidates placed in?

7. Application deadline

8. Examined Courses

9. What is the syllabus?

10. What is the examination schedule?

11. Results of graduate placement examinations 2019-2020



1.  Who is eligible to apply?

Graduates of Universities and Technological Educational Institutes (or equivalent), as well as graduates of two-year Study Programs and graduates of higher two-year institutions can apply for participation in Graduate Placement Examinations.


2.  How many students are admitted per year?

According to par. 1 of art. 1 of the Ministerial Decree no F1/192329/Β3/13-12-2013 (Government Gazette 3185/V. Β΄/16-12-2013), the placement percentage is defined at 12 % on the number of the students admitted in each Department of the University.

According to the Presidential Decree F.253.1/80988/Α5/22-5-2019 (Government Gazette  1867/V. Β΄/27-5-2019) the number of admitted students to the Department of International and European Studies for the 2019-2020 academic year is set to 176. Hence, the placement number of graduates is 21 (12% of 176 admitted students).


3.   Necessary supporting documents

  • Application(Download file). Also available in the Department Secretariat in printed format.)
  • Degree copy or certificate of completion of studies with the exact GPA (e.g. 7,32 instead of 7) or a clear photocopy. In case that the GPA is not included, candidates should submit a certificate indicating in detail all grades of courses required for the calculation of the GPA.
  • For graduates of foreign Universities, certification of degree equivalence provided by the Hellenic NARIC (or by the competent authority for degree recognition) or a clear photocopy of such certificate.
  • A clear ID copy.


 4.  What is the submission office?

The Secretariat of the Department of International and European Studies (mezzanine) of the University of Macedonia, 156 Egnatia str.,Thessaloniki, tel.: 2310891454 & 451, e-mail: Iessecr@uom.grduring submission period from Monday to Friday at 11:30-13:00.


The file can also be sent by regular mail to:

                                             Department of International & European Studies

                                             University of Macedonia

                                             156 Egnatia str.

                                             54006 Thessaloniki


5.  Mode of placement

Since the 2013-14 academic year candidates have been selected through placement examinations in 3 courses. In case of admission, successful candidates are exempted from the examination of courses in which they were examined during placement examinations.


6.  In which semester are successful candidates placed?

Successful candidates (of all graduate categories) are placed in the 1st semester of studies.


7.  Application deadline

From 1 to 15 November of each academic year.


8.  Examined Courses

  • Introduction to International Relations - Politics and Economics
  • Politics and Economy in Europe after World War II
  • International Economic Relations


 9.  What is the syllabus?

  • Introduction to International Relations - Politics and Economics

Textbook: Kouskouvelis, Ilias (2004), Introduction to International Relations,Publisher: Poiotita, Athens

Syllabus: All subjects

  • Politics and Economy in Europe after World War II

Textbook: Voskopoulos, Giorgos (2008), Building Europe. Peace - Reconciliation - Cooperation - Integration,Publisher: Poiotita, Athens

Syllabus: Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 (only pages 239-287), 8 (only pages 385-393) and 13 (only pages 597 - 635

  • International Economic Relations

Textbook: Christodoulou, Dim. &Nikas, Chr. (2012), International Economics in the Age of Globalization, Publisher: Epikentro, Thessaloniki

Syllabus: pages: 23 - 216


10.  What is the examination schedule?

  • Politics and Economy in Europe after World War II

       Saturday 7/12/2019, 10: 00-12: 00 Amphitheatre 2 (ground floor)

  • Introduction to International Relations - Politics and Economics

       Saturday 7/12/2019, 12: 30- 14:30, Amphitheatre 2 (Ground floor)

  • International Economic Relations

       Saturday 7/12/2019, 10: 00-12: 00 Amphitheatre 2 (ground floor) 

Graduate Placement Examinations are held during 1-20 December of each academic year. The time schedule is announced at least ten (10) days prior to the examination day of the first course.

According to par. 7 of the Ministerial Decree F1192329/Β3/13-12-2013 (Government Gazette 3185 / V. Β΄ / 16-12-2013):

  • For identification verification, candidates shall present their ID or other official public document of identification.
  • Candidates are required to arrive in the examination roomone (1) hour earlier.
  • Coloured inks other than blue and black, as well as any other identifying element on the examination sheet, constitute grounds for grade exclusion.
  • Any candidate who leaves the examination room, delivers his/her examination sheet and cannot re-enter to continue the examination. Only in exceptional cases and on medical grounds are candidates allowed to leave the examination room for a few minutes and only under supervision.
  • Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room with books, notebooks or other objects, other than those permitted in accordance with the instructions provided by the Committee of Placement Examinations. Supervisors refuse entrance to all candidates who do not deliver the forbidden items. Examinees who  have notes relevant to the examined course or items other than those allowed or they cheat or attempt to cheat or use any other means of  academic dishonesty or facilitate or perpetrate such actsduring the examination processshall be completely excluded from the examinations of that course. In case that a candidate includes inappropriate expressions on his/her examination sheet, his/her examination sheet is excluded from the grading process. In any case, candidates are not allowed to bring mobile phones or electronic devices of any kind with them. Candidates who undermine in any way or disrupt the smooth conduct of examinations by being disobedient are excluded from the examination of the course.


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