Forms for Students

Student Forms

  • Application

Application form for all students willing to request the issuance of any document from the Secretariat. To simplify the process, you can search for any document by sending an email to the secretariat's email address.

  • Solemn Declaration

Form of Solemn Declaration for any use. 

  • Office Memo (updated format 11/2019)

The office memo is for use by students who are employed and need a vertification for participation in the exams for use at their place of employment.  Master’s Thesis Guidelines

Detailed guidelines for master’s thesis completion

  • Master’s Thesis Topic Declaration

Application form for the declaration of master’s thesis topic for students who have completed courses attendance and are introduced in the 3rd semester during which they complete their master’s thesis

  • Change of Master’s Thesis

Application for changing the topic of a Master’s thesis for students whose thesis is already approved but they are willing to change the content or modify the title.

  • Solemn Declaration of  plagiarism

Solemn Declaration of plagiarism which is submitted along with the master’s thesis topic declaration form

  • Graduation Application
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