Quality Assurance Unit (QAU)
According to Greek law 4957/2022, article 215, the mission of the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of the University of Macedonia is the continuous improvement of the quality of educational and research work of the institution, as well as the effective operation and performance of its services, in accordance with international practices, especially those of the European Higher Education Area, and with the guidelines of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE).
Internally, the Quality Assurance Unit consists of:
(a) the Quality Assurance Committee; and
(b) the Quality Assurance Service.
The responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Committee are:
a) to draft a proposal for the structure and function of the Internal Quality Assurance System (ESDP) and to submit it to the Senate to be approved and published in the Government Gazette,
b) to develop policies and strategies in order to safeguard and improve the quality of all kind of teaching, research and administrative work provided by the University and especially the quality of
ba) the study programs of the first, second and third cycle of studies, including the ones taught in a foreign language,
bb) the curriculum of lifelong learning programs and in general the quality of the Training and Lifelong Learning Centre (TLLC) of the University,
bc) the separate academic units of the University, its Schools, Faculties and Sectors,
bd) the quality of performance of the university’s Special Account for Research Funds as well as of the University Centre for Research and Innovation (PAKEK) and of its Research Institutes (EI),
be) the quality of performance of the separate academic or research units such as university clinics, university museums and university laboratories including the services provided by them,
bf) the quality of performance of the administrative services of the University,
c) to update the ESDP at least every five (5) years in order to improve it constantly according to the latest developments in the European Higher Education Area, the international practices and the guidelines of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE),
d) to draft a Quality Assurance Manual for the ESDP and submit it for approval to the Senate of the University,
e) to carry out periodic internal evaluations and reviews of the ESDP,
f) to collaborate with the HAHE in order to ensure the implementation of its directives and guidelines within the framework of its responsibilities,
g) to perform any other duty assigned to the Quality Assurance Committee according to the University’s Internal Rules of Procedures.
The responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Service are:
a) to execute decisions and provide administrative support to the Quality Assurance Committee,
b) to submit proposals to the Committee and prepare supporting materials for relevant decision-making,
c) to collaborate with the HAHE and support the procedures of internal and external evaluation and accreditation of the University, its separate academic and research units and of its study programs of the first, second and third cycle of studies, including the ones taught in a foreign language, the cooperation programs and the lifelong learning programs, pursuant to Law 4653/2020 (A’ 12),
d) to develop, monitor and manage the ESDP of the University and especially to conduct internal evaluation according to the quality assurance manual of the ESDP,
e) to coordinate and support the processes of the University and its separate units during the implementation of quality assurance,
f) to collect and process data from all academic and research units as well as the administrative services of University, concerning the implementation of quality assurance on all activities of the university,
g) to publicize on the institutions’ website all data regarding the university’s accreditation and the internal and external evaluation of the University and its separate units,
h) to fill the values of the indicators in the annual achievement report for the allocation of the annual regular funding of the University, pursuant to article 16 of Law 4653/2020,
i) to update the information system of MODIP and the Integrated National Quality Information System (INQIS) of the HAHE as to the institution’s quality data, as well as to develop the interoperability of the MODIP’s system,
j) to perform any other duty as defined in the University’s statutes and related to the objectives of MODIP.