
A. Students of the MSc are exempted from the tuition fees in accordance with the provisions of the Greek Legislation. In particular, the possibility of exemption from tuition fees is offered to students whose individual income, if they have their own income, and the available family equivalent income do not exceed independently, the 100% of the average individual income, and the 70% of the average family income, as these have been calculated in terms of the national median equivalent income in accordance with current legislation and the procedures provided for therein. As the maximum number of students admitted is set at 40 students, the exempted students will not exceed 12 students (up to 30% of the total number of students admitted according to the existing provisions). The interested candidates must submit an application for exemption from tuition fees at the Secretariat of the programme, after the completion of the selection process. If the potential beneficiaries, among those who have applied, exceed the statutory exemption percentage, the final beneficiaries are selected in an order starting from those with the lowest income. The students who receive a scholarship from another source, must declare it to the Secretariat and are not entitled to exemption. 

B. In addition to the scholarships based on the financial criteria, one or two scholarships are awarded, depending on the number of students, with academic criteria. The academic scholarships provided may consist of an exemption from the total (100%) or half (50%) of the amount of each of the last four installments of tuition fees. These scholarships are granted based on the grade of the postgraduate students in the programme (if they have succeeded in all the courses with the first examination) and the observance of their obligations. In particular, scholarships with academic criteria are not awarded during the first semester, while scholarships for each of the following two semesters are awarded to students with the highest grade point average of all courses in the previous semester. At the same time, the scholarship holders must be consistent with the obligations they have undertaken following a suggestion from the SIC. In case of a scholarship holder not being consistent with the relevant obligations, the SIC withdraws the scholarship.

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