Γεωργιάδης Χρήστος
Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι
- Πτυχίο Τμήματος Μαθηματικών, Α.Π.Θ. (1987)
- Μεταπτυχιακό σε Εφαρμογές Πληροφορικής (υποτροφία), Universita’ di Pisa, Italy. (1989)
- Διδάκτωρ Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής Α.Π.Θ. (2002)
Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα
Τεχνολογίες Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου.
Διαδικτυακές Υπηρεσίες & Συναλλαγές.
Κινητό Εμπόριο.
Διαδικτυακές Βάσεις Δεδομένων Πολυμέσων.
Ασφάλεια Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου.
Περιβάλλοντα Συνεργασίας.
Διδασκόμενα Μαθήματα
Κωδικός Τμήματος
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
Κωδικός Τμήματος
Η περιγραφή του μαθήματος δεν είναι διαθέσιμη
Κωδικός Τμήματος
AIC403 |
Δ |
3 |
5 |
Προσθέστε σειρές αν χρειαστεί. Η οργάνωση διδασκαλίας και οι διδακτικές μέθοδοι που χρησιμοποιούνται περιγράφονται αναλυτικά στο (δ). |
ΤΥΠΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ γενικού υποβάθρου, γενικών γνώσεων, ανάπτυξης δεξιοτήτων |
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Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα |
Περιγράφονται τα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα του μαθήματος οι συγκεκριμένες γνώσεις, δεξιότητες και ικανότητες καταλλήλου επιπέδου που θα αποκτήσουν οι φοιτητές μετά την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του μαθήματος. Συμβουλευτείτε το Παράρτημα Α
Μετά την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του μαθήματος, οι φοιτητές θα είναι ικανοί να: |
Γενικές Ικανότητες Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις γενικές ικανότητες που πρέπει να έχει αποκτήσει ο πτυχιούχος (όπως αυτές αναγράφονται στο Παράρτημα Διπλώματος και παρατίθενται ακολούθως) σε ποια / ποιες από αυτές αποσκοπεί το μάθημα;. |
Αναζήτηση, ανάλυση και σύνθεση δεδομένων και πληροφοριών, με τη χρήση και των απαραίτητων τεχνολογιών Προσαρμογή σε νέες καταστάσεις Λήψη αποφάσεων Αυτόνομη εργασία Ομαδική εργασία Εργασία σε διεθνές περιβάλλον Εργασία σε διεπιστημονικό περιβάλλον Παράγωγή νέων ερευνητικών ιδεών
Σχεδιασμός και διαχείριση έργων Σεβασμός στη διαφορετικότητα και στην πολυπολιτισμικότητα Σεβασμός στο φυσικό περιβάλλον Επίδειξη κοινωνικής, επαγγελματικής και ηθικής υπευθυνότητας και ευαισθησίας σε θέματα φύλου Άσκηση κριτικής και αυτοκριτικής Προαγωγή της ελεύθερης, δημιουργικής και επαγωγικής σκέψης …… Άλλες… ……. |
Αναζήτηση, ανάλυση και σύνθεση δεδομένων και πληροφοριών, με τη χρήση και των απαραίτητων τεχνολογιών |
Πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο |
Χρήση Τ.Π.Ε. στη Διδασκαλία, στην Εργαστηριακή Εκπαίδευση, στην Επικοινωνία με τους φοιτητές |
ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ Περιγράφονται αναλυτικά ο τρόπος και μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας. Διαλέξεις, Σεμινάρια, Εργαστηριακή Άσκηση, Άσκηση Πεδίου, Μελέτη ανάλυση βιβλιογραφίας, Φροντιστήριο, Πρακτική (Τοποθέτηση), Κλινική Άσκηση, Καλλιτεχνικό Εργαστήριο, Διαδραστική διδασκαλία, Εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις, Εκπόνηση μελέτης (project), Συγγραφή εργασίας / εργασιών, Καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία, κ.λπ.
Αναγράφονται οι ώρες μελέτης του φοιτητή για κάθε μαθησιακή δραστηριότητα καθώς και οι ώρες μη καθοδηγούμενης μελέτης σύμφωνα με τις αρχές του ECTS |
ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ Περιγραφή της διαδικασίας αξιολόγησης
Γλώσσα Αξιολόγησης, Μέθοδοι αξιολόγησης, Διαμορφωτική ή Συμπερασματική, Δοκιμασία Πολλαπλής Επιλογής, Ερωτήσεις Σύντομης Απάντησης, Ερωτήσεις Ανάπτυξης Δοκιμίων, Επίλυση Προβλημάτων, Γραπτή Εργασία, Έκθεση / Αναφορά, Προφορική Εξέταση, Δημόσια Παρουσίαση, Εργαστηριακή Εργασία, Κλινική Εξέταση Ασθενούς, Καλλιτεχνική Ερμηνεία, Άλλη / Άλλες
Αναφέρονται ρητά προσδιορισμένα κριτήρια αξιολόγησης και εάν και που είναι προσβάσιμα από τους φοιτητές. |
Εξέταση γραπτή στο τέλος του εξαμήνου |
- Προτεινόμενη Βιβλιογραφία: Προγραμματισμός World Wide Web, 4η έκδοση, Deitel Deitel, Χ. Γκιούρδα ΣΙΑ ΕΕ M. Pilgrim, Dive Into HTML5, http://diveintohtml5.info CSS Basics, http://www.cssbasics.com A. Rauschmayer, Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers, O'Reilly Media, 2014, http://speakingjs.com/es5/ By Y. Fain, V. Rasputnis, A. Tartakovsky V. Gamov, Enterprise Web Development, Building HTML5 Applications: From Desktop to Mobile, O'Reilly Media, 2014, http://enterprisewebbook.com/ Thomson L., Welling L. Ανάπτυξη Web Εφαρμογών με PHP και MySQL, 5η εκδ.. Εκδ. Γκιούρδα, 2017. - Συναφή επιστημονικά περιοδικά: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, Inderscience Journal of Computer Information Systems, Taylor and Francis Information Systems Journal, Wiley World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems, Springer, ISSN: 1386-145X. Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Elsevier, ISSN: 1570-8268. ACM Transactions on the Web, ISSN: 1559-1131. |
Κωδικός Τμήματος
AIC503 |
Ε |
3 |
5 |
Προσθέστε σειρές αν χρειαστεί. Η οργάνωση διδασκαλίας και οι διδακτικές μέθοδοι που χρησιμοποιούνται περιγράφονται αναλυτικά στο (δ). |
ΤΥΠΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ γενικού υποβάθρου, γενικών γνώσεων, ανάπτυξης δεξιοτήτων |
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Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα |
Περιγράφονται τα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα του μαθήματος οι συγκεκριμένες γνώσεις, δεξιότητες και ικανότητες καταλλήλου επιπέδου που θα αποκτήσουν οι φοιτητές μετά την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του μαθήματος. Συμβουλευτείτε το Παράρτημα Α
Γενικές Ικανότητες Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις γενικές ικανότητες που πρέπει να έχει αποκτήσει ο πτυχιούχος (όπως αυτές αναγράφονται στο Παράρτημα Διπλώματος και παρατίθενται ακολούθως) σε ποια / ποιες από αυτές αποσκοπεί το μάθημα;. |
Αναζήτηση, ανάλυση και σύνθεση δεδομένων και πληροφοριών, με τη χρήση και των απαραίτητων τεχνολογιών Προσαρμογή σε νέες καταστάσεις Λήψη αποφάσεων Αυτόνομη εργασία Ομαδική εργασία Εργασία σε διεθνές περιβάλλον Εργασία σε διεπιστημονικό περιβάλλον Παράγωγή νέων ερευνητικών ιδεών
Σχεδιασμός και διαχείριση έργων Σεβασμός στη διαφορετικότητα και στην πολυπολιτισμικότητα Σεβασμός στο φυσικό περιβάλλον Επίδειξη κοινωνικής, επαγγελματικής και ηθικής υπευθυνότητας και ευαισθησίας σε θέματα φύλου Άσκηση κριτικής και αυτοκριτικής Προαγωγή της ελεύθερης, δημιουργικής και επαγωγικής σκέψης …… Άλλες… ……. |
Διαλέξεις με φυσική παρουσία (πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο) |
Χρήση Τ.Π.Ε. στη Διδασκαλία |
ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ Περιγράφονται αναλυτικά ο τρόπος και μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας. Διαλέξεις, Σεμινάρια, Εργαστηριακή Άσκηση, Άσκηση Πεδίου, Μελέτη ανάλυση βιβλιογραφίας, Φροντιστήριο, Πρακτική (Τοποθέτηση), Κλινική Άσκηση, Καλλιτεχνικό Εργαστήριο, Διαδραστική διδασκαλία, Εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις, Εκπόνηση μελέτης (project), Συγγραφή εργασίας / εργασιών, Καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία, κ.λπ.
Αναγράφονται οι ώρες μελέτης του φοιτητή για κάθε μαθησιακή δραστηριότητα καθώς και οι ώρες μη καθοδηγούμενης μελέτης σύμφωνα με τις αρχές του ECTS |
ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ Περιγραφή της διαδικασίας αξιολόγησης
Γλώσσα Αξιολόγησης, Μέθοδοι αξιολόγησης, Διαμορφωτική ή Συμπερασματική, Δοκιμασία Πολλαπλής Επιλογής, Ερωτήσεις Σύντομης Απάντησης, Ερωτήσεις Ανάπτυξης Δοκιμίων, Επίλυση Προβλημάτων, Γραπτή Εργασία, Έκθεση / Αναφορά, Προφορική Εξέταση, Δημόσια Παρουσίαση, Εργαστηριακή Εργασία, Κλινική Εξέταση Ασθενούς, Καλλιτεχνική Ερμηνεία, Άλλη / Άλλες
Αναφέρονται ρητά προσδιορισμένα κριτήρια αξιολόγησης και εάν και που είναι προσβάσιμα από τους φοιτητές. |
Γλώσσα αξιολόγησης: Ελληνική |
Προτεινόμενη Βιβλιογραφία: ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗ ΠΛΑΤΦΟΡΜΑΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΙΣΤΟΥ, S. WEERAWARANA ET AL., ΚΛΕΙΔΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ, Επιστ. Επιμέλεια Χ. Γεωργιάδης Τεχνολογίες παγκόσμιου ιστού και ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου, Γεωργιάδης, Χρήστος. 1η έκδ. Αποθετήριο "Κάλλιπος", 2016 ΥΠΗΡΕΣΊΕΣ ΠΑΓΚΌΣΜΙΟΥ ΙΣΤΟY ΚΑΙ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΟΣΤΡΕΦΕIΣ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚEΣ, ΘΕΜΙΣΤΟΚΛEΟΥΣ Μ., ΜΑΝΤΖAΝΑ Β., ΜΑΝΤΖΑΝΑ - Συναφή επιστημονικά περιοδικά: International Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience International Journal of Web Services Research, IGI Global |
- Βιβλία (18 εγγραφές)
Περιλαμβάνει Βιβλία ή/και μονογραφίες σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους. Κεφάλαια ή άρθρα συλλογικών τόμων ή επιμέλεια τόμων σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους.
- Χρήστος Γεωργιάδης, «Τεχνολογίες Παγκόσμιου Ιστού και Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου: Σύγχρονες τάσεις και προκλήσεις», ISBN 978-960-603-125-0, Αθήνα, Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών
- Georgiadis, C. K., Kostoglou, V., Arabatzis, G., and Stiakakis, E., “1st International Symposium and 10th Balkan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR 2011)”, editorial, in Annals of Operations Research, special volume, Springer, 2015, 227(1): 1-2.
- Douligeris, C., Sgouropoulou, C., and Georgiadis C. K., “Information and Communication Technologies Research and Applications in South East Europe”, editorial, in Int. J. Innovation and Regional Development special issue, Inderscience, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 3: 219-221.
- Kourouthanassis P. and Georgiadis C.K., "Analyzing m-commerce research: technology, applications, and research themes", editorial, in International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC), Vol. 12(1), 2014, pp. 1-11.
- Mygdalas A., Sifaleras A., Georgiadis C.K., Papathanasiou I., Stiakakis E. (Eds.) Conference Post-Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symposium & 10th Balkan Conf. (BALCOR 2011) on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics (PROM): Optimization Theory, Decision Making, and Operational Research Applications, XVIII.
- Georgiadis C.K., Kefalas P., and Stamatis D. (Eds.) ACM Conference Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 2013), Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Georgiadis C.K, Stiakakis E. and Ravindran A.R., “Digital Economy and e-Commerce Technology”, editorial, Oper Res Int J (ORIJ), Springer, April 2013, Vol.13, Issue 1, pp. 1-4.
- Sarmaniotis C., Georgiadis C. K. and Assimakopoulos C., “E-marketing and Digital Marketing Developments”, editorial, in Journal of Marketing Vistas, special issue, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2013.
- Georgiadis C.K., Jahankhani H., Pimenidis E., Bashroush R., and Al-Nemrat A. (Eds.) Conference Post-Proceedings of 7th ICGS3/4th e-Democracy Joint Conferences 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, Springer LNICST, XIV
- Pimenidis Ε. and Georgiadis C.K., “Global Security, Safety and Sustainability”, editorial, in Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), special issue, Inderscience, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, 2012, pp. 101-103.
- T. Theodorou, G. Violettas, and C.K. Georgiadis, "Wiki-Dic 2.0: An e-Voting Approach to Exploit User-Generated Content", Chapter in "E-STRATEGIES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION", Eshaa M. Alkhalifa (Ed.), IGI Global, 2011, pp. 185-198.
- Eleftherakis G., Georgiadis C.K., Ketikidis P. and Stamatis D. (Eds.) Local Conference Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 2009), Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2009
- S. Weerawarana, F. Curbera, et al., "Αρχιτεκτονική Πλατφόρμας Υπηρεσιών Ιστού", επιστημονική επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης: Χρήστος K. Γεωργιάδης, εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα 2008, ISBN 978-960-461-086-0.
- C.K. Georgiadis, P. Fouliras, and A. Manitsaris, "Mobile Agent Platforms and Personalized Multimedia Services Issues", Chapter in "HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON MOBILE MULTIMEDIA, 2nd EDITION", I.K. Ibrahim (Ed.), Information Science Reference Inc. (IGI Group), 2009, ISBN 978-1-60566-046-2, pp. 595-611.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Pimenidis E., “Service-enabled Business Processes: Constructing Enterprise Applications – An Evaluation Framework”, ADVANCES IN SYSTEMS, COMPUTING SCIENCES AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Proc. of the (ΙΕΕΕ co-sponsored) International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE 07), Springer.
- C. K. Georgiadis, "Adaptation and Personalization of User Interface and Content", Chapter in "HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS (4 Volumes)", Zaphiris P. and Ang C.S, (Eds.), City University of London, Information Science Reference Inc. (IGI Global), 2006, ISBN 978-1-60566-052-3, pp. 393-403.
- Α. Μανιτσάρης, Ε. Αλεξανδροπούλου, Χ. Γεωργιάδης, K. Δημητρόπουλος, και Ι. Μαυρίδης, "Τεχνολογίες Πολυμέσων, Διαδικτύου και Παράμετροι Δικαίου, Ασφάλειας στην Ανάδειξη Αρχαιοτήτων", Κεφάλαιο στον τόμο "ΝΕΕΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ ΣΤΙΣ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΓΝΩΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΕΣ", επιμέλεια καθ. Ι. Λυριτζής, εκδόσεις GUTTENBERG, 2008, ISBN 978-960-01-1211-5, σελ. 577-620.
- Γεωργιάδης Κ. Χρήστος, “Ανάπτυξη Εφαρμογών σε Windows: Προγραμματίζοντας Σχεσιακές Βάσεις Δεδομένων με την Microsoft Access 97”, εκδόσεις ΙΩΝ, Αθήνα, ISBN 960-405-886-X
- Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά (48 εγγραφές)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε διεθνή ή ελληνικά επιστημονικά περιοδικά (με κριτές).
- Triantafyllou S.A. and Georgiadis C.K., “Gamification Design Patterns for User Engagement”, Informatics in Education, Vilnius Univ., ETH Zurich, 21:4, 655-674.
- Vesyropoulos, N., Georgiadis, C.K., and Katsaros, P., “Ensuring Business and Service Requirements in Enterprise Mashups”, in Information Systems and e-Business Management Journal (Inf Syst E-Bus Manage), Springer, 16 (1): 2018, pp. 205-242.
- Vesyropoulos, N., Georgiadis, C. K., and Pimenidis, E., “An approach for Web Service selection and dynamic composition based on Linked Open Data”, in Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXX, LNCS 11120, Springer, 2018, 54-71.
- Lekidis, A., Stachtiari, E., Katsaros, P., Bozga, M., Georgiadis, C.K., “Model-based design of IoT systems with the BIP component framework”, Wiley, Softw Pract Exper. 2018: 1–28.
- Polatidis, N., Georgiadis, C.K., Pimenidis, E., and Stiakakis, E. “Privacy-preserving recommendations in context-aware mobile environments”, in Information and Computer Security, Emerald, 2017, 25(1), pp. 62-79.
- Georgiadis, C.K., Polatidis N., Mouratidis H., and Pimenidis, E., “A method for privacy-preserving collaborative filtering recommendations”, in Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2017, 23(2), pp. 146-166.
- Polatidis, N., and Georgiadis, C.K., “A dynamic multi-level collaborative filtering method for improved recommendations” in Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2017, vol. 51, pp. 14-21.
- Polatidis, N., Georgiadis, C. K., Pimenidis E., and Mouratidis H., “Privacy-preserving collaborative recommendations based on random perturbations”, in Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2017, 71: 18-25.
- Stiakakis, E., Georgiadis, C., and Andronoudi, A., “Users’ perceptions about mobile security breaches”, in Information Systems and e-Business Management Journal (Inf Syst E-Bus Manage), Springer, 14 (4): 2016, pp. 857–882.
- Polatidis, N., and Georgiadis, C. K., “A multi-level collaborative filtering method that improves recommendations”, in Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2016, 48: 100-110.
- Vesyropoulos, N., and Georgiadis, C. K., “QoS‐Based Filters in Web Service Compositions: Utilizing Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis Methods”, in Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, Wiley, September-December 2015, 22 (Issue 5-6): 279–292.
- Assimakopoulos, C., Papaioannou, E., Sarmaniotis, C., and Georgiadis, C. K., “Online reviews as a feedback mechanism for hotel CRM systems”, in Journal Anatolia, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, 26(1): 5-20.
- Polatidis, N., and Georgiadis, C. K., “A ubiquitous recommender system based on collaborative filtering and social networking data”, in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Inderscience, 2015, 3(2-3):186-204.
- Papaioannou, E., Georgiadis, C.K., Moschidis, O., and Manitsaris, A., “Factors affecting customers’ perceptions and firms’ decisions of online fast food ordering”, in International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), IGI Global, 6(1), January-March 2015, pp. 49-75.
- Pimenidis Ε. and Georgiadis C.K., “Can e-Government Applications Contribute to Performance Improvement in Public Administration?”, in Int. J. of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), IGI Global, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March 2014, pp. 48-57.
- Papaioannou E., Georgiadis C.K., Assimakopoulos C., and Manitsaris A., “Maximization of Users Experience in Websites: Estimating the Optimum Size of the Multimedia Content”, in Electronic Commerce Research journal (ECRJ), Springer, Volume 14:1, January-March 2014, pp. 87-109.
- Vesyropoulos, N., and Georgiadis, C. K., “Customized QoS-based mashups for the web of things: An application of AHP”, in Computer Science and Information Systems, 2014, 12(1):115–133.
- Papaioannou, E., Assimakopoulos, C., Sarmaniotis, C., and Georgiadis, C. K., “Investigating websites e-CRM features in building customer relationships: Evidence from Greece”, in International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA), Inderscience, 8(4), 2014, 320–338.
- Assimakopoulos C., Papaioannou E., Sarmaniotis C., Fidanyan M., and Georgiadis C.K., “Factors affecting attitudes and behavior towards smart phones: User's Profile and Proposed Research Model”, in International Journal of Technology Marketing, Inderscience, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2013, pp. 238-253.
- Polatidis N. and Georgiadis C.K., “Recommender Systems: The Importance of Personalization in E-business Environments”, in International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation, IGI Global, 4(4), October-December 2013, pp. 32-46.
- Papaioannou E., Assimakopoulos C., Sarmaniotis C., and Georgiadis C.K., "Investigating customer satisfaction dimensions with service quality of online auctions: an empirical investigation of e-Bay", in Information Systems and e-Business Management Journal (Inf Syst E-Bus Manage), Springer, Vol. 11 (2):2013, pp. 313-330.
- Stiakakis E. and Georgiadis C.K., “Building a Measurement Framework for m-Government Services”, in Int. J. of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), IGI Global, 3(4), October-December 2012, pp. 18-37.
- Georgiadis C.K., “Supporting User Generated Content for Mobile News Services: A Case Study”, in Int. J. of Engineering Business Management (Int j. eng. bus. manag.), special issue on Digital and Mobile Economy, InTech, Vol. 4, 12:2012, pp. 1-12.
- Karayianni S., Katos V., and Georgiadis C.K., "A framework for password harvesting from volatile memory", in Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), Inderscience, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, 2012, pp. 154-163.
- Stiakakis E., and Georgiadis C.K., “Drivers of a tourism e-business strategy: the impact of information and communication technologies”, Oper Res Int J (ORIJ), Springer, 11:149-169, 2011.
- Georgiadis C.K., Pimenidis Ε. and Kokkinidis I., “A coloured Petri net analysis of the Transaction Internet Protocol”, in Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), Inderscience, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2010, pp. 204-222.
- Pimenidis Ε., and Georgiadis C.K, “Web services for rural areas—Security challenges in development and use”, in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG), Elsevier, Vol. 70, Is. 2, 2010, pp. 348–354
- Georgiadis C.K., "Developing Personalized Information Services for Mobile Commerce Location-Aware Applications", in Int. J. on Advances in Internet Technology (IJAIT), Vol. 3, No. 3&4, 2010, pp. 274-283.
- Mouratidou M., Lourdas V., Chatzigeorgiou A., and Georgiadis C.K., "An Assessment of Design Patterns" Influence on a Java-based E-Commerce Application", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER), Vol. 5(1), 2010, pp. 25-38.
- Pimenidis Ε., and Georgiadis C.K, “Web services security evaluation considerations”, in Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), Inderscience, 2(3), 2009, pp. 239-252.
- Stiakakis E., and Georgiadis C.K, "e-Service Quality: Comparing the Provider"s and Customer"s Perceptions", in Managing Service Quality (MSQ), Emerald, Vol. 19 No. 4, 2009, pp. 410-430.
- Georgiadis C.K., Baltatzis D., and Pangalos G., "Secure mobile agent environments: modelling role assignments", in Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Inderscience, Vol. 1 No. 3, 2008, pp. 249-267.
- Georgiadis C.K., Plastiras A., and Manitsaris A., “Web Services and Personalized Searching: Exploiting the Google Engine", in JOURNAL TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, ISSN: 1109-2750, Is. 10, Vol. 5, October 2006, pp. 2433-2439
- Georgiadis C.Κ, Fouliras P., Mavridis I., and Manitsaris A., "Web Services and Multimedia in M-Business Applications: Opportunities and Concerns", in Int. J. of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), Emerald, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2006, pp. 51-62.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Manitsaris A., “Personalization in Mobile Commerce Environments: Multimedia Challenges”, in JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, Cutter Information LLC, USA, ISSN: 1522-7383, Cutter IT Journal, Vol. 18, No. 8, August 2005, pp. 36-43.
- Georgiadis C.K., Mavridis I., and Manitsaris A., “Context-based Humanized and Authorized Personalization in Mobile Commerce Applications”, in Int. J. of Computing and Information Sciences, Canada, ISSN: 1708-0479, IJCIS, Vol. 3, No. 2, August 2005, Special Issue - IWSAC’05 selected papers, pp. 1-9.
- Georgiadis C., “Access Control Policies”, in CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY JOURNAL, a quarterly publication of the CCS, ISSN: 1450-152X, CCSJ, Is. 6, September 2003, pp. 16-22.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I. and Pangalos G, "Healthcare Teams over the Internet: Programming a Certificate-based Approach" , INT J MED INFORMATICS (2003), Elsevier Science Publishing Ltd, ISSN 1386-5056, Vol. 70, Iss.2-3, pp. 161-171.
- Baltatzis J., Georgiadis C., and Pangalos G., "Role-based Authorizations Using Mobile Agents in Healthcare Organizations", INT J TECHNOLOGY & HEALTH CARE, Vol. 10, No. 6
- Ilioudis C., Kontogiorgis A., Georgiadis C., et al., "Web-based e-Procurement Mechanism in the Healthcare Marketplace", INT J TECHNOLOGY & HEALTH CARE,Vol. 10, No. 6, IOS Press, ISSN: 0928-7329
- Ilioudis C., Georgiadis C., and Pangalos G., "Security Issues for XML-based Health Information Systems", INT J TECHNOLOGY & HEALTH CARE, Vol. 10, No. 6
- Mavridis I., Georgiadis C., and Pangalos G., "Access-rule Certificates for Secure Distributed Healthcare Applications over the Internet", in HIJ, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2002, pp. 127-137.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I., and Pangalos G., "Programming a View-Based Active Access Control System for Healthcare Environments", in HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL, Sage Publishing Ltd, ISSN: 1460-4582, HIJ, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2002, pp. 191-198.
- Pangalos G., Mavridis I., Ilioudis C. and Georgiadis C., "Developing a Public Key Infrastructure for a Secure Regional e-Health Environment ", METHODS INF MED (2002), Schattauer Publishing Co, ISSN 0026-1270, Vol. 41, Iss. 5, pp. 414-418.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I., et. al., "Implementing Context and Team Based Access Control in Healthcare Intranets", MED. INFORMATICS INTERNET (2002), Taylor & Francis Publishing Ltd., ISSN 1463-9238, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 185-201.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I., and Pangalos G., "Implementing Context and Team Based Access Control in Healthcare Intranets (ext. abs.)", INT J TECHNOLOGY & HEALTH CARE, Vol. 9, No. 6
- Mavridis I., Georgiadis C., Pangalos G. and Khair M., "Access Control based on Attribute Certificates for Medical Intranet Applications", J MED INTERNET RES (2001), ISSN 1438-8871, Vol. 3(1), pages 13.
- Mavridis I., Georgiadis C., Pangalos G. and Khair M., “Using Digital Certificates for Access Control in Clinical Intranet Applications”, INT J TECHNOLOGY & HEALTH CARE, Vol. 8, Nos. 3, 4
- Συνέδρια (67 εγγραφές)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε δημοσιευμένα πρακτικά διεθνών ή ελληνικών συνεδρίων (με κριτές).
- Triantafyllou, S.A., and Georgiadis, C.K., “Gamification of MOOCs and Security Awareness in Corporate Training”, in Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) – Vol. 1, SCITEPRESS, pp. 547-555.
- Vasiliadis, C.G, and Georgiadis, C.K., “A Survey on Access Control Mechanisms in E-commerce Environments”, in ACM Proc. of the 8th Balkan Conference on Informatics (BCI’ 17), Skopje, September 2017, New York, USA.
- Vesyropoulos, N., Georgiadis, C. K, and Pimenidis, E., “Utilizing linked open data for web service selection and composition to support e-commerce transactions”, in Proc. of the N.T. Nguyen et al. (Eds.) 8th Int. Conf. on Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications (ICCCI 2016), LNAI 9875, 2016, Springer, pp. 533–541.
- Paschalidou, G., Vesyropoulos, N., Kostoglou, V., Stiakakis, E. and Georgiadis, C.K., “Evaluation of educational open-source software using multicriteria decision analysis methods”, presented in the 81st Meeting of the European Working Group «Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding», LISTIC Université de Savoie Annecy, France
- Papoutsoglou, M. C., Vesyropoulos, N., and Georgiadis, C. K., “Utilizing Business Intelligence and Social Media Streams for optimized Web Service Compositions”, in ACM Proc. of the 7th Balkan Conference on Informatics (BCI’ 15), Craiova, Romania, September 2015, New York, USA.
- Lekidis, A., Stachtiari, E., Katsaros, P., Bozga, M., Georgiadis, C.K., “Using BIP to reinforce correctness of resource-constrained IoT applications”, in Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), Siegen, Germany, 2015, pp. 245-254.
- Chatzigeorgiou, A., Chaikalis, T., Paschalidou, G., Vesyropoulos, N., Georgiadis, C. K., and Stiakakis, E., “A Taxonomy of Evaluation Approaches in Software Engineering”, in ACM Proc. of the 7th Balkan Conference on Informatics (BCI’ 15), Craiova, Romania, September 2015, New York, USA, ΤΙΜΗΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΚΡΙΣΗ: «Best Paper Award»
- Polatidis, N., Georgiadis, C. K., Pimenidis, E., and Stiakakis E., “A Method for Privacy-Preserving Context-Aware Mobile Recommendations”, in Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. E-Democracy 2015, “E-Democracy – Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms”, Athens, Greece, 2015, CCIS 570, Springer, pp. 62-74.
- Polatidis N., and Georgiadis C.K., “Factors Influencing the Quality of the User Experience in Ubiquitous Recommender Systems”, in Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2014), an HCI International affiliated conference, Crete, Greece, June 2014, LNCS 8530, Springer, pp. 369–379.
- Georgiadis, C., Stiakakis, E., and Andronoudi, A., “The Significance of Mobile Security Breaches in Terms of Their Economic Impact on Users”, in Proc. of the AIS-affiliated 13th International Conference on Mobile Business 2014 (ICMB 2014), London, UK, June 2014, Association of Information Systems e-Library (AISeL).
- Vesyropoulos, N., Georgiadis, C. K., and Pimenidis, E., “Ensuring Cloud Security: Current Concerns and Research Challenges”, in Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. E-Democracy 2013, “E-Democracy, Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World”, Athens, Greece, 2014, CCIS 441, Springer, pp. 3-10.
- Stachtiari E., Vesyropoulos N., Kourouleas G., Georgiadis C.K., and Katsaros P., "Correct-by-Construction Web Service Architecture", in Proc. of the IEEE 8th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2014), Oxford, UK, April 2014, IEEE Computer Society pp. 47-58.
- Polatidis N. and Georgiadis C.K., “Mobile Recommender Systems: An Overview of Technologies and Challenges”, in Proc. of the Second International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA 2013), Lodz, Poland, IEEE, 2013, pp. 282-287.
- Vesyropoulos N., and Georgiadis C.K., “Web of Things: Understanding the Growing Opportunities for Business Transactions”, in ACM Proc. of the 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI’ 13), Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2013, New York, USA, pp. 267-274.
- Voutskoglou E.K, and Georgiadis C.K., “Using semantic technology in a process of e-participation and evaluation for knowledge content”, in Proc. of the Int. Conference in Open & Distance Learning, Vol. 3 – Section A: theoretical papers, original research and scientific articles, Athens, Greece, November 2013, pp. 28-35.
- Stiakakis E., Georgiadis C.K., and Petridis K., "Analyzing m-Service Quality Dimensions Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques", in Proc. of the AIS-affiliated conference 12th International Conf. on Mobile Business 2013 (ICMB 2013), Berlin, Germany, June 2013, Association of Information Systems e-Library (AISeL).
- Koumaridis D., Stiakakis E. and Georgiadis C.K., “Analyzing the Economic Impacts of Security Breaches Due to Outsourcing”, in Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability & 4th International Conference on e-Democracy (ICGS3 2011/e-Democracy 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, August 2011, LNICST 99, 2012, Springer, pp. 156-163.
- Provatidis A., Georgiadis C.K., and Mavridis I., “Towards Colored Petri Net Modeling of Expanded C-TMAC”, in Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability & 4th International Conference on e-Democracy (ICGS3 2011/e-Democracy 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, August 2011, LNICST 99, 2012, Springer, pp. 88-95.
- Georgiadis C.K., “Design and Implementation of Mobile News Services: Supporting Social Networking Features”, in Proc. of the AIS-affiliated conference 11th International Conference on Mobile Business 2012 (ICMB 2012), TUDelft, The Netherlands, June 2012, Association of Information Systems e-Library (AISeL), http://http://aisel.aisnet.org/icmb2012/7/, pp. 101-112.
- Papaioannou E., Assimakopoulos C., Sarmaniotis C., and Georgiadis C.K., “The Impact of e-CRM Features in Websites on Marketing Communication: Evidence from the 500 Largest Greek Companies”, in Proc. of the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI 2012), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012, pp. 371-376.
- Stamati-Koromina V., Ilioudis C., Overill R., Georgiadis C.K., and Stamatis D., “Insider Threats in Corporate Environments: A Case Study for Data Leakage Prevention”, in Proc. of the 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI’12), Novi Sad, Serbia, ACM ICPS Proceedings, September 2012, pp. 271-274.
- Papaioannou E., Sarmaniotis C., Georgiadis C.K., and Assimakopoulos C., “Strategic integration of feedback (reputation) mechanism with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in the hotel sector”, in Proc. of the 2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference (AHTMMC 2012), Corfu, Greece, June 2012.
- Theodorou T., Violettas G., Polychroniadou A., and Georgiadis C.K., “Improved NetArgus -A Suite of Wi-fi Positioning & SNMP Monitor”, in Proc. of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP and WINSYS/SECRYPT 2012), Rome, Italy, July 2012, SciTePress, pp. 289-294.
- Vesyropoulos N., Georgiadis C.K., and Ilioudis C., "Analyzing the Selection and Dynamic Composition of Web Services in E-commerce Transactions", in Proc. of the 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI12), Novi Sad, Serbia, ACM, September 2012, New York, pp. 130-135.
- Papaioannou E., Sarmaniotis C., Assimakopoulos C., and Georgiadis C.K., “A successful deployment of an ERP system: A case study of a small Greek company”, in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (ICESAL 2011), Thassos, Greece, July 2011, pp. 206-215.
- Stiakakis E., and Georgiadis C.K., “A Model to Identify the Dimensions of Mobile Service Quality”, in Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Business 2011 (ICMB 2011), Como, Italy, June 2011, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 195-204.
- Pimenidis E., Iliadis L., and Georgiadis C., “Can eGovernment Systems Bridge the Digital Divide?”, in Proc. of the 5th European Conf. on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2011), Como, Italy, September 2011, Academic Publishing, pp. 403–410.
- Papaioannou E., Georgiadis C.K., Assimakopoulos C., and Manitsaris A., “Optimizing the Quality of Multimedia Information Experience in E-commerce: An Empirical Examination”, in Proc. of the 1st International Symposium & 10th Balkan Conference (BALCOR 2011) on Operational Research, Vol. I, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2011, pp. 146-153.
- Papaioannou E., Georgiadis C.K., Kourouthanasis P., and Giaglis G., "Profiling the Mobile Phone Users and their Relationship to the Internet Services and Portals", in Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Business 2011 (ICMB 2011), Como, Italy, June 2011, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 313-319.
- Kourouthanassis P., Georgiadis C.K., Zamani E., and Giaglis, G.M., “Explaining the Adoption of Mobile Internet Applications”, in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Mobile Business 2010/ 9th Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB 2010/GMR 2010), Athens, Greece, June 2010, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 148-153.
- Georgiadis C.K., Kokkinidis I., and Pimenidis E., “A Coloured Petri Net Analysis of the Transaction Internet Protocol”, in Proc. of the 6th Intern. Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability (ICGS3 2010), Braga, Portugal, September 2010, Springer-Verlag CCIS 92, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 238–249.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Stiakakis E., "Extending an e-Government Service Measurement Framework to m-Government Services", in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Mobile Business 2010/9th Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB 2010/GMR 2010), Athens, Greece, June 2010, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 432-439.
- Karaiskos D.C., Kourouthanassis P., Lantzouni P., Giaglis, G.M., and Georgiadis C.K., “Understanding the Adoption of Mobile Data Services: Differences among Mobile Portal and Mobile Internet Users”, in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Mobile Business 2009 (ICMB 2009), Dalian, China, June 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 12-17.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Stiakakis E., “Key Issues for the Quality Assessment of Mobile Commerce Services”, P.Kefalas, D.Stamatis, C.Douligeris (Eds.): Proc. of the 4th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 2009), Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 148-153.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Pimenidis E., "Using Business Process Execution Language to Handle Evaluation Factors for Web Services Compositions", in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability (ICGS3 2009), London, UK, September 2009, Springer-Verlag CCIS 45, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 112121.
- Georgiadis C.K., "Mobile Commerce Application Development: Implementing Location-aware Information Services", in Proc. of the 5th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2009), Venice/Mestre, Italy, May 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 333-338
- Violettas G., Theodorou T., and Georgiadis C.K., "NetArgus: An SNMP Monitor & Wi-Fi Positioning, 3-tier Application Suite", in Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2009), Cannes/La Bocca, France, August 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 346-350.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Stergiopoulou S.H, “Mobile Commerce Application Development: Implementing Personalized Services”, in Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Business 2008 (ICMB 2008), Barcelona, Spain, July 2008, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 201-210.
- Pimenidis Ε., Georgiadis C.K., Bako P., and Zorkadis V., “Web Services Security – Implementation and Evaluation Issues”, in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Global e-Security (ICGeS 2008), London, UK, June 2008, Springer-Verlag CCIS 12, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 299-308.
- Theodorou T., Violettas, G., and Georgiadis C.K., “Wiki-Dic: Implementing an e-Voting Application to support User-generated Content”, in Proc. of the E-Commerce International Conference (e-commerce 2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2008, pp. 209-214.
- Pimenidis Ε. and Georgiadis C.K., “Web Services and their Applications for Rural Areas – Security Issues and Challenges”, in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Bio and Earth Sciences (HAICTA 2008), Athens, Greece, September 2008, pp. 346-351.
- Papanikolaou A., Ilioudis C., Georgiadis C.K., and Pimenidis E., "The importance of biometric sensor continuous secure monitoring", in Proc. of the IEEE Third International Conference on Digital Information Management 2008 (ICDIM 2008), IEEE Press, November 2008, pp. 569-574.
- Georgiadis C.K, Baltatzis D., and Pangalos G., “Dynamic Role Management in Secure Distributed e-Government Environments”, in Proc. of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Global e-Security (ICGeS 2007), London, England, April 2007, pp. 222-230.
- Ilioudis C., Baltatzis D., Pangalos G., and Georgiadis C., “Securing Healthgrid Environments”, in Proc. of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2007), ICETE 2007, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007, pp. 394-401.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Pimenidis E., “Proposing an Evaluation Framework for B2B Web Services-based Transactions”, in Proc. of the IASK International Conference on E-Activity and Leading Technologies 2007 (E-ALT2007), Porto, Portugal, December 2007, pp. 164-171.
- Mouratidou M., Lourdas V., Chatzigeorgiou A., and Georgiadis C.K., "Code Improvement: Implementing Design Patterns to Java EE Applications", T. Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulakis, N. Karanikolas (Eds.): Proc. of the 11th PanHellenic Conference in Informatics with International Participation (PCI 2007), Patras, Greece, May 2007, pp. 317-330.
- Georgiadis C.K., Melas G., and Tzamtzis P., "Location Based Services for Mobile Commerce Applications", in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on E-Business (ICE-B 2007), ICETE 2007, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007, pp. 162-167.
- Georgiadis C.K., Plastiras A., and Manitsaris A., “Personalized Search Results in B2C E-Commerce Applications using the Google Web Services", in Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computers (ICC 2006), Athens, July 2006, pp. 571-576.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Pimenidis E., "Web Services Enabling Virtual Enterprise Transactions", in Proc. of the IADIS E-Commerce International Conference (e-commerce 2006), Barcelona, Spain, December 2006, pp. 297-302.
- Georgiadis C.K., Mavridis I., and Manitsaris A., “Context-based Humanized and Authorized Personalization in Mobile Commerce Applications”, in Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Aspects of Context (IWSAC 2005), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services (IEEE ICPS 2005), Santorini, Greece, July 2005, pp. 24-33, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, online CEUR-WS.org
- Georgiadis C.K., and Manitsaris A., “Personalized Recommendations in Mobile Commerce", in Proc. (electronic form) of the 7th Hellenic European Conference on Computer Mathematics & its Applications (HERCMA 2005), Athens, Greece, September 2005.
- Baltatzis D., Georgiadis C., and Pangalos G., “A Flexible Authorization Mechanism for Virtual Organizations”, in Proc. of the IEEE 39th Annual 2005 International CARNAHAN Conference on Security Technology, Las Palmas de G.C., Spain, October 2005, IEEE Service Center, pp. 97-100.
- Fouliras P., and Georgiadis C.K., “On the Reduction of Congestion for Multimedia Streaming in Diffserv Networks”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Technology and Automation (ICTA 2005), ΙΕΕΕ co-sponsored, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2005, pp. 318-321.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Manitsaris A., “Context-Awareness in M-commerce: Supporting Customization and Personalization", P.Bozanis, E.Houstis (Eds.): Proc. of the 10th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics with International Participation (PCI 2005), Volos, Greece, November 2005, pp. 321-330.
- Georgiadis C.K., and Manitsaris A., “Personalization of User Interfaces in E-commerce and M-commerce Applications", in Proc. of the E-Commerce International Conference (e-commerce 2005), Porto, Portugal, December 2005, pp.195-202.
- Baltatzis D., Georgiadis C.K, and Pangalos, I., "Mobile Agents in E-commerce Environments: Supporting Collaborative Activities", in Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC 2005), Vienna, Austria, November 2005, IEEE Computer Society CPS, pp. 205-210.
- Pangalos G., Baltatzis J., Georgiadis C., et al., “Security Issues of Electronic Democracy Environments Using Mobile Agents”, A.B. Sideridis (ed.): Proc. of the 1st Conference “Electronic Democracy: Information Society and Citizen's rights”, Hellenic Scientific Council for Information Society (e-Democracy 2003), Athens, Greece, ANT.N. SAKKOULAS 2004, pp. 323-338.
- Baltatzis D., Kortesis S., Georgiadis C. et al., "Using RBAC for the Mobile Agent Authorization Problem" in the 4th International Network Conference (INC 2004), University of Plymouth, UK, July 2004, ISBN 1-84102-125-3, pp. 279-286.
- Georgiadis C., Baltatzis D., and Pangalos G., "Access Control for E-Commerce Using Mobile Agents", 3rd Annual Information Security South Africa Conference (ISSA 2003), Sandton, July 2003.
- Georgiadis C.K., Baltatzis J., and Pangalos G.I., "Programming Secure Mobile Agents in Healthcare Environments using Role-based Permissions", XVIIIth International Congress MIE2003, St. Malo, France, May 2003, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (Vol. 95), R. Baud et al. (Eds.), IOS Press, pp. 136-140.
- Chousiadis C., Georgiadis C.K., and Pangalos G., “Integrating the Lightweight Authentication Protocol (LAP) with Access Control Mechanisms in Health Care Wireless Information Systems”, in Proc. of the XVIIth International Congress “Medical Informatics Europe” (MIE 2002), Budapest, Hungary, August 2002, IOS Press, pp. 697-701.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I., and Pangalos G., "A View-Based Active Access Control System For Healthcare Environments", in Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research (iSHIMR 2002), Sheffield, UK, June 2002, pp. 106-117.
- Georgiadis C.K., Mavridis I.K., and Pangalos G.I., “Healthcare Teams over the Internet: Towards a Certificate-based Approach”, in Proc. of the XVIIth International Congress “Medical Informatics Europe” (MIE 2002), Budapest, Hungary, August 2002, IOS Press, pp. 184-188.
- Mavridis I., Georgiadis C., and Pangalos G., "Access-rule Certificates for Secure Distributed Healthcare Applications over the Internet", in Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research (iSHIMR 2001), Halkidiki, Greece, May 2001, pp. 153-168.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I., Pangalos G. and Thomas R.K., "Flexible Team-based Access Control Using Contexts", 6th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2001) ACM SIGSAC, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A, May 2001, ACM Press, pp. 21-27.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I., and Pangalos G., "Active Security Issues in Healthcare Information Systems", in Proc. of the International Workshop on Emerging Issues in Computer and Systems Sciences (WS-EICSS 2000), Stockholm, Sweden, September 2000, pp. 13-22.
- Georgiadis C., Mavridis I. and Pangalos G., "Context and Role Based Hybrid Access Control for Collaborative Environments", Fifth Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems Encouraging Co-operation (NORDSEC 2000), Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2000, pp. 225-238.