Μαυραγάνη Ελένη
Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια
Τμήμα Λογιστικής και Χρηματοοικονομικής
Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Διδακτικό Προσωπικό (BSc in Accounting and Finance)
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Μάρκετινγκ Μάνατζμεντ
Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι
- Διδακτορικό, Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου (2011)
- Μεταπτυχιακό MBA, Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων, Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου (2005).
- Πτυχίο στην Οργάνωση και Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων, Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς (2003).
Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα
- Θέματα Μάρκετινγκ και Μάνατζμεντ
- Σύγχρονα Ζητήματα Μάρκετινγκ
- Στρατηγικό Μάνατζμεντ
- Διοίκηση Μάρκετινγκ
- Μάρκετινγκ Υπηρεσιών
Διδασκόμενα Μαθήματα
Κωδικός Τμήματος
Κωδικός Τμήματος
Κωδικός Τμήματος
Έννοια, ορισμός και ιστορική εξέλιξη του μάρκετινγκ, κατηγορίες μάρκετινγκ, μίγμα μάρκετινγκ, μάρκετινγκ και εξωτερικό περιβάλλον της επιχείρησης, μάρκετινγκ και εσωτερικό περιβάλλον της επιχείρησης, έρευνα συμπεριφοράς καταναλωτή, μέθοδοι και πολιτικές τμηματοποίησης της αγοράς, έννοια -ανάπτυξη - διοίκηση προϊόντος, τιμολόγηση προϊόντος, προώθηση προϊόντος, διανομή προϊόντος, εφαρμογή έλεγχος και αξιολόγηση της πολιτικής μάρκετινγκ. Ειδικά Θέματα: ηθική και μάρκετινγκ, μάνατζμεντ ποιότητας μάρκετινγκ, διεθνές μάρκετινγκ, πληροφορική τεχνολογία και μάρκετινγκ.
Αναλυτική Περιγραφή
Κωδικός Τμήματος
- Βιβλία (10 εγγραφές)
Περιλαμβάνει Βιβλία ή/και μονογραφίες σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους. Κεφάλαια ή άρθρα συλλογικών τόμων ή επιμέλεια τόμων σε διεθνείς ή ελληνικούς εκδοτικούς οίκους.
- Μαυραγάνη, Ε (2023) Βασικές Αρχές Μάρκετινγκ, Μια Στρατηγική Προσέγγιση, Perreault, W, Cannon, J, and McCathy, J, Broken Hill Publications.
- Mavragani, E, and Avramidou, S (2023), Cultural Heritage Tourism and Ethical Trends in A. Morrison and D. Buhalis (2023), Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism.
- Μαυραγάνη, E και Αβραμίδου, Σ (2022), Τουρισμός Πολιτισμικής Κληρονομιάς και Σκηνοθετημένη Αυθεντικότητα Πολιτιστικών Πόρων, e-book, Χωροταξικός Σχεδιασμός, Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά και Τοπική Ανάπτυξη: Θεωρία, Μέθοδοι, Τεχνικές & Μελέτες Περίπτωσης (ISBN: 9786180040050).
- Mavragani, E, Archontakis, F, Laspita, S, and Koiou M (2022) Brand Evangelism as an Emerging Marketing Approach among Fashion Businesses, in N. Tsounis, and A. Vlachvei, Advances in Quantitative Economic Research, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics.
- Mavragani, E (2022), Museum Services in D. Buhalis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Mavragani, E (2018), Museum Services in the Era of Tourism, in (eds.) Bast, Gerald, Carayannis, Elias G., Campbell, David F. J. The Future of Museums, pp.37-47, Springer.
- Μαυραγάνη, E (2017), Στρατηγική Μάρκετινγκ Μουσείων για την Ενίσχυση του Τουρισμού, in Τουρισμός, Τουριστική Ανάπτυξη, Συμβολές Ελλήνων Επιστημόνων. Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
- Kladou, S and Mavragani, E (2016), A Social Media Approach to Evaluating Heritage Destination Perceptions: The Case of Istanbul, in Alvarez, M., Yuksel, A. & Go, F. (eds.), Heritage Tourism Destinations, pp. 91-104. CABI.
- Μαυραγάνη, Ε (2015), Η συμβολή του μάρκετινγκ των ελληνικών μουσείων στην τουριστική ανάπτυξη, in Σοφία Αντωνιάδου, Ελένη Μαυραγάνη, Ιωάννης Πούλιος (eds), Πολιτισμός και Προοπτική. Η σημασία της στρατηγικής σε τέσσερις τομείς του πολιτισμού, pp. 99-107. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτης.
- Tsiotsou, R and Mavragani, E (2013), Marketing Strategy of Museums: The Case of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece., in (eds) Best Practices in Marketing and their impact on quality of life, pp. 45-62. Springer Publications.
- Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά (20 εγγραφές)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε διεθνή ή ελληνικά επιστημονικά περιοδικά (με κριτές).
- Poulaki, I, Mavragani, E, and Kiriakaki, A (2024), Accounting Outsourcing in Tourism SMEs and Financial Risk Mitigation, International Journal of Tourism Policy (accepted).
- Assiouras, I, Giannopoulos A, Mavragani, E, and Buhalis, D (2024), Virtual Reality facilitated Travel Inspiration: The role of Pleasure and Arousal, Current Issues in Tourism (under review, I. F. 8.0, Scimago Q1)
- Assiouras, I, Mavragani, E, Giannopoulos A, and Buhalis, D (2024), Virtual Reality and Mental Imagery Towards Travel Inspiration and Visit Intention, International Journal of Tourism Research (accepted, I. F. 4.6, Scimago Q1)
- Poulaki, I, Mavragani, E, Kaziani, A, and Chatzimichali, E (2023), Digital Nomads: Advances in Hospitality and Destination Attractiveness, Tourism and Hospitality, 4(3), 483-498.
- Mavragani, E, and Mandrinou, E (2022), The concept of dark tourism, visitors’ motivation and the entailed dissonance in sites representation. Enlightening Tourism: A Pathmaking Journal (12), 1-23, (Scimago Q4).
- Mavragani, E and Paliouras, D (2022), Gen “Z” and Tourism Destination: A Tourism Perspective of Augmented Reality Gaming Technology. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 19(5), 2241001, (I.F. 1.8, Scimago Q3).
- Καραΐσκου, Χ και Μαυραγάνη, Ε (2021), Η Επίδραση των Φεστιβάλ Παραδοσιακών Χορών ως Πολιτιστική Εμπειρία στην Ανάπτυξη Πολιτιστικού Τουρισμού. Το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Παραδοσιακών Χορών & Μουσικής Γέφυρας. Journal of Sport and Recreational Management, 17(1), 29-45, ISSN 1791-6933.
- Gritzali, A, Mavragani, E and Gritzalis, D (2019), Negative MWOM and value co-destruction during destination crises. Business Process Management Journal, 26 (4), 839-856.
- Chountala, V, Chountalas, P, Magoutas A and Mavragani E (2019), The cultural route of Hercules: mapping the tourist's perspective. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 9(2), 131-154.
- Mavragani, E, Nikolaidou, P, and Theodoraki, E (2019), Traveler Segmentation Through Social Media for Intercultural Marketing Purposes: The Case of Halkidiki, Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 5 (1) 15-23.
- Dergiades, T, Mavragani, E and Pan, B (2018), Google Trends and Tourists’ Arrivals: Emerging biases and proposed corrections, Tourism Management, 66, 108-120.
- Dergiades, T, Mavragani, E and Pan, B (2017), Arrivals of Tourists in Cyprus: Mind the Web Search Intensity. GreeSE Paper No. 107, Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics.
- Mavragani, E (2015), Greek Museums and Tourists’ Perceptions. An empirical research, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer, 1-14.
- Kladou, S, Giannopoulos, A and Mavragani, E (2015), Destination Brand Equity Research From 2001 to 2012, Tourism Analysis, 20 (2), 189-200.
- Kladou, S and Mavragani, E (2015), Assessing Destination Image: An online marketing approach and the case of Tripadvisor, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4 (3), 187–193.
- Mavragani, E (2014), National Archaeological Museums and the Growth of Tourism in Greece. Journal of Regional Socio-Economic Issues, 4 (1), 61-74.
- Mavragani, Ε and Lymperopoulos, C (2014), Museum visitor intentions to revisit and recommend. Journal of Regional Socio-Economic Issues, 4 (3), 64-78.
- Farr, R, Mavragani, E and Hall, C, (2013), Understanding the Impacts of Cruise Tourism and their Remediation Costs for Small Island Communities in the Aegean, Journal of Tourism Research, 6, 119-125.
- Mavragani, Ε and Lymperopoulos, C (2013), Factors affecting museum visitors’ satisfaction: The case of Greek museums, Tourismos, 8 (2), 271-287.
- Giannopoulos, A and Mavragani, E (2011), Traveling through the Web: A first step toward a comparative analysis of European National Tourism Websites. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 20 (7)718-739.
- Συνέδρια (47 εγγραφές)
Περιλαμβάνει Άρθρα σε δημοσιευμένα πρακτικά διεθνών ή ελληνικών συνεδρίων (με κριτές).
- Mavragani, E, and Avramidou, S and Poulios, I (2024) Peace tourism in Greece: emerging trends and sustainable prospects, INTOCUS International Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Samaka, C (2024) Star paths to mythology: Astrotourism a new form of tourism, INTOCUS International Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, Assiouras, I, Buhalis, D, and Giannopoulos, A (2024) VR-facilitated Travel Inspiration: The role of Pleasure and Arousal, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Bucharest, Romania.
- Assiouras, I, Buhalis, D, Giannopoulos, A, and Mavragani, E (2024) Virtual Reality and Travel Inspiration, Academy of Marketing Services (AMS), Florida, USA.
- Papavasileiou, M., Mavragani, E., Hatzithomas, L., and Tsichla, E (2024) Scent Marketing: Exploring the Effect of Coffee Aroma on Consumer Behavior, Icoria, Thessaloniki.
- Giakoumaki, C, Mavragani, E, Pantazi, A, and Giannopoulos, A (2023) Online travel inspiration under the influence of covid-19 consumer perception of risk: investigating antecedents and consequences, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, USA.
- Mavragani, E, and Kartsiotis, T (2023) Halkidiki Menu: local products gastronomy in Halkidiki tourism marketing, 11th ICCMI 2023, Corfu, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Avramidou, S (2023) Peace Tourism: spreading the culture of peace, 11th ICCMI 2023, Corfu, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Makris, A (2023) The case for academic, social marketing courses in Greece, 11th ICCMI 2023, Corfu, Greece.
- Mavragani, E and Spasopoulou, L (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility of banks and how it affects consumer behavior, Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA), Athens, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Papathanasiou, G (2022) Rebranding Greece? Finding the missing links. ICCMI 2022, Naxos, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Agaliotis, D (2022) The health protocols of Covid-19 and their impact on hotel profitability, Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA), 2022, Athens, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, Archontakis, F, Laspita, S, and Koiou M (2021) Brand Evangelism as an Emerging Marketing Approach among Fashion Businesses. ICOAE 2021: Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Konstantinou, E (2021) Loyalty Programs in the Greek market: Are they key drivers of retailing stability? Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA), 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Giannopoulos, A, Giakoumaki, C, Pantazi, A, Assiouras, I, Mavragani, E, and Skourtis, G (2021) Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after. TOURMAN, 2021, Greece.
- Mavragani, E and Avramidou, S (2021) The ethical dimension of cultural heritage tourism: The case of Hagia Sophia. TOURMAN, 2021, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, Mandrinou, E, and Argiropoulou, M (2021) Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after. TOURMAN, 2021, Greece.
- Rigas, G, Mavragani, E, and Sikalidis, A (2020) Menu profitability Analysis Models in the Greek Hospitality Context. HFAA, 2020, Iraklion, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Paliouras, D (2020) Mixed Reality Tourism Destination: Pulling or Pushing the New Generations? ICCMI 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Alexandridou, S (2019), New technological environment in the hospitality sector and susceptibility to customer personality. International Symposium on Consumer Personality in Contemporary Contexts (ISCP 2019), Thessaloniki Greece
- Tsiotsou, R, and Mavragani, E (2019), Delineating User Generated Content to Profile Travelers: A Cross-National Approach. AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Vafeidou, M, Ferranti. N, and Mavragani, E (2019), A critical analysis of the cruise industry at the port of Thessaloniki and a first step in attracting cruise ships and branding the city as a cruise destination. TOURMAN, 3rd International Scientific Conference “Tourism, travel and hospitality at crossroads: The way ahead”, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, and Alexandridou, S (2019), New technological environment in the hospitality sector and susceptibility to customer personality. International Symposium on Consumer Personality in Contemporary Contexts (ISCP 2019), Thessaloniki Greece.
- Mavragani, E (2017), Alternative Forms of Cultural Tourism for the Empowerment of the Destination Image, 2nd Panhellenic Place Marketing and Place Branding Conference, University of Thessaly, Greece.
- Dergiades, T, Mavragani, E and Pan, B (2017), Arrivals of Tourists in Cyprus: Mind the Web Search Intensity. ICCMI 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Mavragani, E, Gritzali, A, and Gritzalis, D (2017), Negative MWOM and value co-destruction for destinations. IMIC 2017, Santorini, Greece.
- Gritzali, A and Mavragani, E (2016), A first step towards understanding own-destination image; the case of Athens. International Tourism, Hospitality & Events Conference, 19-22 July 2016, University of Surrey, UK.
- Kladou, S and Mavragani, E (2014), Assesing Image Traits on Social Media: The case of a cultural destinations. Heritage Tourism and Hospitality International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Hall, C, Farr, R., and Mavragani, E (2013), The Case for Cruise Control: understanding the “dark side” of cruise tourism. 17th Research & Innovation Conference, University of Bolton, UK.
- Lymperopoulos, C, Koob, C, Chaniotakis, I, and Mavragani, E (2013). Consumer ethnocentrism and tourists’ visit intention: the case of Greece and Germany. "Tourism Trends and Advances in the 21st Century", 5th International Scientific Conference of the University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.
- Mavragani, E and Lymperopoulos, C (2013), Museum visitor intentions to revisit and recommend. EMAC, 2013, European Marketing Academy, 42nd Annual Conference. ISBN 978-9944-380-10-2.
- Farr, R, Mavragani, E and Hall, C (2013), Understanding the Impacts of Cruise Tourism, and their Remediation Costs for Small Island Communities in the Aegean. DRATTE, International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management, Athens, Greece. Awarded among the top-rated papers. ISSN: 1791-0064.
- Chytiri, A. P, Giannopoulos, A, Kladou, S, and Mavragani, E (2012), Destination Brand Effectiveness: Looking at the past and drawing the future, Athens Tourism Symposium 2012, Athens.
- Kladou, S, Giannopoulos, A, Mavragani, E and Chytiri, A. P (2012), Building a sustainable competitive advantage in times of crises: Capitalizing on culture, destination branding and relationship marketing, Destination Management and Branding in the Mediterranean Region - Sustainable Tourism in Times of Crisis, 4th ITW Conference Antalya. ISBN 978-605-4483-08-2, 105-117.
- Kladou, S, Giannopoulos, Mavragani, E and Chytiri, A. P (2012), Destination Branding and Relationship Marketing: A Competitive Advantage through Capitalizing on Culture, ICOT 2012, Crete. Andriotis, K. & Theocharous, A. (eds.). ISBN 978-9963-9799-1-2, ISSN 1986-4256, 283-293.
- Giannopoulos, A, Kladou, S, Mavragani, E and Chytiri, A. P (2012), Measuring the Effectiveness of Destination Branding: A Critical Approach, 2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Corfu. ISBN 978-960-287-139-3.
- Mavragani, E (2011), Greek Museums and Tourists. An empirical research in different cities. New museums, new urban eras, new tourism mobilities, Interdisciplinary REsearch Team on Tourism (EIREST) and the UNESCO Chair "Culture, Tourism, Development” of Paris 1 Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
- Mavragani, E and Tsiotsou, R (2011), Marketing Mix Evaluation of the new Acropolis Museum based on Social Media. IAPNM 2011, 10th International Congress of the International association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. ISBN: 978-989-20-2460-8, 80. Porto, Portugal.
- Lymperopoulos, C and Mavragani, Ε (2011), Factors affecting museum visitors’ intention to revisit and recommend. 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing, İzmir, Turkey.
- Mavragani, Ε and Lymperopoulos, C (2011), Museum visitors’ segments and the factors affecting visitors’ satisfaction in the case of Greek public museums. International Conference “Rethinking Business and Business Education in the age of crisis”, Chios, Greece.
- Lymperopoulos, C and Mavragani, E (2009), Cultural tourism in Greece: Synergy of ministries and public institution or euphemism? 4th International Scientific Conference, «Planning for the future learning from the past», Rhodes, Greece. ISBN 978-960-7475-41-1.
- Mavragani, Ε and Lymperopoulos, C (2009), Museum visitors’ perceived service quality: An empirical research from Greece. 2nd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing, Thessaloniki, Greece. ISBN: 978-960-98740, 361-370.
- Giannopoulos, A and Mavragani, E (2008), Traveling through the Web: a comparative analysis of European national tourism websites. 2nd International Conference e- Business Forum «e-Business in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality», Athens, Greece.
- Mavragani, E (2008), Strategic approaches of National Museums as an implement to the development of Tourist Destinations. National Museums, 6th International Workshop, University of Oslo, Norway.
- Mavragani, E (2007), The contribution of marketing strategies of museums &archaeological sites to the sustainable development of Greek tourist destinations. Poster Presentation, National Museums, 2nd International Workshop, University of Leicester, UK.
- Mavragani, E and Lymperopoulos, C (2007), The contribution of marketing strategies of museums & archaeological sites to the sustainable development of Greek tourist destinations. 1st Biannual International Conference, Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
- Lymperopoulos, C and Mavragani, E (2007), Could the implementation of marketing concept in museums and archaeological sites contribute to the achievement of their mission? 1st Biannual International Conference, Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece. ISBN 978-960-7475-41-1.