Important Information for Erasmus Incoming Students concerning the September 2020 exam term


A. Remote exams and assessments

In order to carry out remote exams and assessments of students for the repeat (supplementary) September 2020 exam term (academic year 2019-20), four alternative exam and assessment options are offered, technically supported by the University's Computer and Network Center.

In particular, the following options or a combination are suggested, with the use of equipment suitable for remote tutoring in order to reassure proper surveillance as well as direct communication between the students and the professors. Depending on the nature of the course and related course material assessment methods are individually chosen by each professor.

The professor has the sole responsibility for planning and conducting the exam and assessment procedure in collaboration with the Head of the Department and the Dean of the School or with the Director of the Postgraduate Program.

Remote exams and assessment options:

a.Assessment of written papers/reports or topics to be developed combined with a timed web-conference proctored exam.

b.Remote e-exam with multiple choice topics combined with timed web-conference exams

c. Oral remote assessment with the use of a web-conference proctored exam.

d. Submission of a written report/paper,to be completed in an extended time period determined by the professor which can be combined with an oral assessment.

For successful access to the Open e-class (platform) a username and password is required, and students are advised to register on the central e-class (platform), no later than August 28th, 2020.  

Similar to its use for learning purposes the web-conference proctored exam option follows the same procedure: an e- invitation is sent to the student on a specific time prior to the scheduled time of exam. In addition, prior to the web-conference proctored exams students are advised to check the speed of their internet connection. The microphone should remain open at all times during the exam period on unmute mode and the examinee is advised to choose a secluded space for the procedure.

B. Personal data: collecting and processing during the remote exams and assessment procedure

The exam process follows all lawful and legal procedures in accordance with the following principles of 5/HDPA:

. As stated above, the procedure is lawful, fair and proportional to the purpose of the data processing.

. The purpose of the data processing is specific and exclusively set for the conduct of the remote exams and assessments of students.

.Basic, necessary and relevant data are obtained for the purpose of processing. To ensure the principle of data minimization none of the visual and audio data will be stored

. The process allows error-free collection of data and the avoidance of inaccuracies.

. Data retention time is specific and pre-determined.

.All necessary technical and organizational measures are taken to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data.

.Proper management of possible student requests is ensured in accordance with the appropriate procedures and policies stated by the University Data Protection Officer.

. Transparency and full disclosure of information will be provided to students with detailed written description, prior to the start of the exams and assessments about  the terms of use of their personal data during the process. It is clarified that students are not required to provide their consent for the processing terms of their personal data, due to different legal grounds. If the above e-statement is not submitted students will not be eligible to participate in the exams and assessment procedure.

C. Ensuring the  inviolable, valid and reliable conduct of remote exams and assessment - safety measures

To ensure the  inviolable, valid and reliable conduct of the remote exams and assessments procedures the following measures will be implemented:

a. Submission of an e- statement by the students stating their participation in the remote exams and assessments

b. Personal identification of students by their professors/exam supervisors.

c. In case of exam option d., the tutor has the right to resort to the application of the provisions for plagiarism



Student Obligations

Students are required to:

•obtain necessary information about all remote exams and assessment options according to the Annex.

•obtain information about the necessary equipment/tools and steps for their participation in the remote exams and assessments and personal identification procedures, ie:

 technical equipment for participation via web-conferencing (webcam, microphone, etc.)

 activation of their institutional account for participation via the Google hangouts meet and Zoom platforms

 registration on the central e-class platform

• receive from the University and submit an e- statement prior to the exams confirming that they are informed about all remote exams and assessment options, about the required equipment and the necessary actions for their participation, personal identification for the exams and assessment purposes and, that they intend to participate:

-using the required equipment during their remote exams and assessment process

-(by) exclusively using their institutional account

-stating  that all submitted papers and written reports (remote exam option d.) are exclusively the product of their own intellectual effort with clear reference to any help they received from another person, organization, system and / or the sources they used in writing their paper or written report

-stating that they agree to all terms of  the University of Macedonia Data Processing and Protection Policy

• Indicate that they are unable to participate in the remote exams and assessments due to unforeseen events, if these are proven to lead to a lack of necessary technological equipment/environment and infrastructure. Students who declare their inability to participate in the remote exams and assessments due to lack of the necessary electronic infrastructure (PC, etc.) should proceed to the University premises, where the required equipment will be available and in accordance with the specifications of NPHO. These students should declare to the Secretariat of the Department their inability to participate, prior to the beginning of the remote exams by submitting a relevant Responsible Declaration form no later than August 27th, 2020.

• Individuals with disabilities will be examined in the appropriate way, after consultation with their professor.


Technical problems during the examination

In case of any technical problems that might occur, students are advised to send a re-examination request via e-mail, accompanied by a relevant justification. The professor is responsible for deciding to conduct a re-examination or an additional exam and/or assessment of the student.




Dear student,

You are receiving the following form following your respective semester course statement. In accordance with the Annex of the decision No. 30 / 30.7.2020 of the Senate's meeting regarding the conduct of remote exams and assessments and in order for you to participate you are advised to submit the following statement:


 I have been informed about the options for the remote exams and assessment (as mentioned in the nr. 30/30.7.2020 Senate's decision), the required equipment and the necessary steps for my participation and personal identification for remote exams and assessment purposes (see Remote Examination Report) and I intend  to participate, as follows:

• using the required equipment during my exams and assessment and

• using exclusively my institutional account to participate in the remote exams and assessments

In addition:

  • I hereby declare that the work / written reports/writings I submit are a product of my own, exclusively, intellectual effort, and I will clearly state any help I received from another person, organization, system and / or the sources I used in writing the written paper
  • I hereby accept the use of the plagiarism detector to all papers/written reports / writings I submit (remote exams and assessment option d.)
  • I will not videotape or record any stage of the oral or written exam.
  • I have been informed and I accept the University of Macedonia Data Processing and Protection Policy



1. Who processes my personal data?

The Processing Manager is the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Egnatia 156, 54636, tel. 2310891101.

2. Why do we need to process your personal data?

Your personal data is collected solely for the purpose of conducting written and / or oral remote exams and assessments.

3. What type of personal data do we collect?

Name, family name/father's name, student registration number, e-mail address, one of the official identification documents (student or police ID, passport, etc.) and all visual and audio data from your computer's camera and microphone, IP address, date and time of a) login on the exam platform and b) submission of written work/paper, exam results. 

4. Will the exams and assessments be recorded?

No. Your computer's visual and audio data, as well as the identification document, will not be stored by the University. They are used exclusively during the online procedure, and solely for surveillance and identification purposes.

5. Will the University have access to my computer during the exams and assessments?

No, there will be no remote access to your computer. Therefore, you have complete control over your computer, webcam and microphone.

6. Is the data processing procedure legal?

The processing of your personal data is legal according to the following:

a) it is necessary and in compliance with the legal obligation of the University for the conduct of remote exams and assessments according to article 6 par. 1 des. e' Gov. Gazette B'1935/22.5.2020, regarding the lawful obligation of the HEI to conduct remote exams and assessments

b) it is necessary for the fulfillment of the obligation of the University and is conducted in the interest of the public, in this case for the implementation of the exams and assessments, in compliance with the legal regulations for the combat and the restriction of the dissemination of the COVid-19 virus.

7. How long will my data be stored by the University?

The University stores your data for as long as you are an active student of the University or for an extended period in accordance with the current retention policy with the exception of all technological type of data necessary for remote exams, i.e. IP address, visual and audio data which will be stored until the release of final results of exams and for a reasonable time period after their release but no longer than 6.11.2020. After 6.11.2020 all details of student exam records required for maintaining a score/assessment file will be transferred to the information system of the student register and the rest will be deleted. The University may extend this period for the purpose of archiving and developing an historical archive in the public interest.

8. Will additional recipients obtain my data?

Your personal data will not be forwarded to any other third party recipients.

9. What are my rights regarding the processing of my personal data?

You have the right to access, correct or restrict the processing of your personal data.

10. How can I contact the University on a matter concerning my personal data or to exercise my rights?

For any issue related to the processing of your personal data, you can contact directly the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of our Institution, company "PROMOTIONAL SERVICE SYSTEMS LTD." at the e-mail, tel. 210 6216997.

Also, for any violation concerning the processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority, 1-3, Kifissias str., PC. 115 23, Athens, tel .: + 30-210 6475600, e-mail:



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