Company for the Development and Management of the Property of University of Macedonia, Economic and Social Sciences

The company for the Development and Management of the Property of University of Macedonia, Economic and Social Sciences was established under no. 4 / 29.12.1992, published in the leaflet of the Government Gazette (GG) no. 2 / 19.1.1993.

According to the Articles of Association (Article 3) the purposes of the company are (indicatively):

    1. The utilization and management of the University's property.
    2. The pursuit of donations, inheritance, bequests and other grants from any source on behalf of the University.
    3.  The pursuit of funding from any source on behalf of the University.
    4. The payment of fees or contributions for the University's rights to provide services to third parties (studies, opinions, etc.)
    5. Funding
      1. Studies and construction of University building programs,
      2. Establishment and operation of the University publishing house,
      3. All types of equipment programs necessary for the development of its educational and research activity,
      4. Personnel training programs,
      5. Organization of conferences and other events,
      6. Development of educational exchanges,
      7. Design and construction of student housing complexes, teaching and administrative staff,
      8. University Library and Student Club.


The Company bodies are:

  1. The Board of Directors and
  2. The General Assembly

The Board of Directors is composed of 5 members. The responsibilities of the Company's General Assembly are exercised by the Senate of the University.

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