Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Neurosciences

Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Neurosciences

Department of Educational and Social Policy

Director:Lazaros K. Triarchou, Professor of Basic Neurosciences

The Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Neurosciences was officially established by Government Gazette V.B’No. 304/15.2.2016, decision 2528. For reasons of historical accuracy, the proposal for the establishment of the Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Neurosciences had been originally submitted to the General Assembly of the Department of Educational and Social Policy onJuly4th 2003, by the Laboratory Head, Professor LazarosTriarchou. The Laboratory is in close cooperation with the Master’s Program in Neuroscience and Education (No. 107420/B7, Government Gazette V.B’ 1951/18.7.2014), which is also coordinated by professor and former head (2005-2009) of the Department of Educational and Social Policy, LazarosTriarchou.

The aim of the Laboratory is integrated research and education in the field of Fundamental and Cognitive Neurosciences, particularly on the levels of theory and synthesis. Basic research involves organization and structural cell architecture of the cortex human brain hemispheres (i.e. gray matter), neurobiology of the cerebellum, developmental behavioral foundations, neural theory, conceptualization in brain sciences and in the contemporary fields of Neuromusicology , Neuroeducation and Neurophilosophy.

Throughout its formal operation, the Laboratory has been reported in journal publications as affiliated with the University of Macedonia. Such publications, inter alia, include “Frontiers in Neuroanatomy” (#1 most cited and #1 largest open-access publisher in the category of Neurosciences) and “Frontiers in Psychology” (#1 largest and #2 most cited Psychology journal), with up to 1000 readings internationally. Links:

Book publications include: ΝευροβιολογικέςΒάσειςστηνΕκπαίδευση-Neurobiological Fundamentals in Education (National Technical University Of Athens- Kallipos ,2015); ΝευρομορφολογίαΗΛεπτήΥφήτουΝευρικούΙστού-Neuromorphology: The fine texture of Nervous Tissue (BHTA Medical Publications, 2017); ΝτοκουμένταΒιοφιλοσοφίας-Documents of Biophilosophy (Arsenidis Publications, 2017); ΣκέψειςΠαιδαγωγικήςΔοκίμιαΨυχολογίαςκαιΕτερόκλητεςΠεριπλανήσεις-Thoughts on Education, Psychology Essays and Heterogeneous Paths (Ekkremes, 2014/2017); ΤαΤονωτικάτηςΘέλησηςκαιΜαεστρίατηςΦύσης-The Energy of the Will and the Mastery of Nature (University of Macedonia Press, 2015).

The Laboratory has established international collaborations with the following universities and institutes: Hamburg-Eppendorf, Utrecht, Birbeck London, Boston, Johns Hopkins, McGill and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig. It is internationally reputed, a fact evidenced by 3,000-plus citations found in academic literature worldwide. Further, Research Gate notification, “You were the most read author from your department”, appears on a weekly basis.

The work related to the cortex of the of the cerebral hemispheres is cited in publications authored by the following universities: Oxford University, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Imperial College London, Wellcome Institute of Neurology, Human Brain Project Lausanne, Harvard Medical School, Yale University, Washington University, University of Minnesota, Emory University and Allen Institute for Brain Science; and in the following journals: Brain, Neurolmage, Nature, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Journal of Neuroscience and The Neuroscientist. The work related to the neuronal theory is cited by Professor ErlingNorrby of the Institute of Karolinska, who has been a member of the Selection Committee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for twenty years, in his volume Nobel Prizes and Notable Discoveries.


Updated list of publications available online at:

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